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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Adding a Version 0 DCO and DCO Volume

Note   Note    The procedure described in this section adds a DCO log volume that has a version 0 layout as introduced in VxVM 3.2. The version 0 layout supports traditional (third-mirror break-off) snapshots, but not full-sized or space-optimized instant snapshots. See Version 0 DCO Volume Layout and Version 20 DCO Volume Layout for a description of the differences between the old and new DCO volume layouts.

See Determining the DCO Version Number for details of how to determine the version number of a volume's DCO.

To put Persistent FastResync into effect for a volume, a Data Change Object (DCO) and DCO volume must first be associated with that volume. When you have added a DCO object and DCO volume to a volume, you can then enable Persistent FastResync on the volume as described in Enabling FastResync on a Volume.

Note   Note    You need a VERITAS FlashSnapTM or FastResync license to use the FastResync feature. Even if you do not have a license, you can configure a DCO object and DCO volume so that snap objects are associated with the original and snapshot volumes. For more information about snap objects, see How Persistent FastResync Works with Snapshots.

To add a DCO object and DCO volume to an existing volume (which may already have dirty region logging (DRL) enabled), use the following procedure:

  1. Ensure that the disk group containing the existing volume has been upgraded to at least version 90. Use the following command to check the version of a disk group:
    vxdg list diskgroup

    To upgrade a disk group to the latest version, use the following command:

    vxdg upgrade diskgroup

    For more information, see Upgrading a Disk Group.

  2. Use the following command to turn off Non-Persistent FastResync on the original volume if it is currently enabled:
    vxvol [-g diskgroup] set fastresync=off volume

    If you are uncertain about which volumes have Non-Persistent FastResync enabled, use the following command to obtain a listing of such volumes:

    vxprint [-g diskgroup] -F "%name" \
       -e "v_fastresync=on && !v_hasdcolog"
  3. Use the following command to add a DCO and DCO volume to the existing volume:
    vxassist [-g diskgroup] addlog volume logtype=dco \
      [ndcomirror=number] [dcolen=size] [storage_attributes]

    For non-layered volumes, the default number of plexes in the mirrored DCO volume is equal to the lesser of the number of plexes in the data volume or 2. For layered volumes, the default number of DCO plexes is always 2. If required, use the ndcomirror attribute to specify a different number. It is recommended that you configure as many DCO plexes as there are existing data and snapshot plexes in the volume. For example, specify ndcomirror=3 when adding a DCO to a 3-way mirrored volume.

    The default size of each plex is 132 blocks. You can use the dcolen attribute to specify a different size. If specified, the size of the plex must be a integer multiple of 33 blocks from 33 up to a maximum of 2112 blocks.

You can specify vxassist-style storage attributes to define the disks that can and/or cannot be used for the plexes of the DCO volume. See Specifying Storage for Version 0 DCO Plexes for details.

Specifying Storage for Version 0 DCO Plexes

Note   Note    The operations in this section relate to version 0 DCO volumes. They are not supported for the version 20 DCO volume layout that was introduced in VxVM 4.0.

If the disks that contain volumes and their snapshots are to be moved or split into different disk groups, the disks that contain their respective DCO plexes must be able to accompany them. By default, VxVM attempts to place the DCO plexes on the same disks as the data plexes of the parent volume. However, this may be impossible if there is insufficient space available on those disks. In this case, VxVM uses any available space on other disks in the disk group. If the DCO plexes are placed on disks which are used to hold the plexes of other volumes, this may cause problems when you subsequently attempt to move volumes into other disk groups.

You can use storage attributes to specify explicitly which disks to use for the DCO plexes. If possible, specify the same disks as those on which the volume is configured. For example, to add a DCO object and DCO volume with plexes on mydg05 and mydg06, and a plex size of 264 blocks to the volume, myvol, in the disk group, mydg, use the following command:

vxassist -g mydg addlog myvol logtype=dco dcolen=264 \
  mydg05 mydg06

To view the details of the DCO object and DCO volume that are associated with a volume, use the vxprint command. The following is partial vxprint output for the volume named vol1 (the TUTIL0 and PUTIL0 columns are omitted for clarity):

TY   NAME        ASSOC       KSTATE      LENGTH      PLOFFS     STATE      ...
v   vol1        fsgen       ENABLED      1024      -     ACTIVE
pl   vol1-01        vol1       ENABLED      1024      -     ACTIVE
sd   disk01-01        vol1-01       ENABLED      1024      0     -
pl   vol1-02        vol1       ENABLED      1024      -     ACTIVE
sd   disk02-01        vol1-02       ENABLED      1024      0     -
dc   vol1_dco        vol1       -      -      -     -
v   vol1_dcl        gen       ENABLED      132      -     ACTIVE
pl   vol1_dcl-01        vol1_dcl       ENABLED      132      -     ACTIVE
sd   disk03-01        vol1_dcl-01       ENABLED      132      0     -
pl   vol1_dcl-02        vol1_dcl       ENABLED      132      -     ACTIVE
sd   disk04-01        vol1_dcl-02       ENABLED      132      0     -

In this output, the DCO object is shown as vol1_dco, and the DCO volume as vol1_dcl with 2 plexes, vol1_dcl-01 and vol1_dcl-02.

If required, you can use the vxassist move command to relocate DCO plexes to different disks. For example, the following command moves the plexes of the DCO volume, vol1_dcl, for volume vol1 from disk03 and disk04 to disk07 and disk08:

vxassist -g mydg move vol1_dcl !disk03 !disk04 disk07 disk08

For more information, see Moving DCO Volumes Between Disk Groups, and the vxassist(1M) manual page.

Removing a Version 0 DCO and DCO Volume

Note   Note    The operations in this section relate to version 0 DCO volumes. They are not supported for the version 20 DCO volume layout that was introduced in VxVM 4.0.

To dissociate a DCO object, DCO volume and any snap objects from a volume, use the following command:

# vxassist [-g diskgroup] remove log volume logtype=dco

This completely removes the DCO object, DCO volume and any snap objects. It also has the effect of disabling FastResync for the volume.

Alternatively, you can use the vxdco command to the same effect:

# vxdco [-g diskgroup] [-o rm] dis dco_obj

The default name of the DCO object, dco_obj, for a volume is usually formed by appending the string _dco to the name of the parent volume. To find out the name of the associated DCO object, use the vxprint command on the volume.

To dissociate, but not remove, the DCO object, DCO volume and any snap objects from the volume, myvol, in the disk group, mydg, use the following command:

vxdco -g mydg dis myvol_dco

This form of the command dissociates the DCO object from the volume but does not destroy it or the DCO volume. If the -o rm option is specified, the DCO object, DCO volume and its plexes, and any snap objects are also removed.

Note   Note    Dissociating a DCO and DCO volume disables Persistent FastResync on the volume. A full resynchronization of any remaining snapshots is required when they are snapped back.

For more information, see the vxassist(1M) and vxdco(1M) manual pages.

Reattaching a Version 0 DCO and DCO Volume

Note   Note    The operations in this section relate to version 0 DCO volumes. They are not supported for version 20 DCO volume layout that was introduced in VxVM 4.0.

If the DCO object and DCO volume are not removed by specifying the -o rm option to vxdco, they can be reattached to the parent volume using the following command:

vxdco [-g diskgroup] att volume dco_obj

For example, to reattach the DCO object, myvol_dco, to the volume, myvol, use the following command:

vxdco -g mydg att myvol myvol_dco

For more information, see the vxdco(1M) manual page.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation