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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Enabling FastResync on a Volume

Note   Note    The recommended method for enabling FastResync on a volume with a version 20 DCO is to use the vxsnap prepare command as described in Preparing a Volume for DRL and Instant Snapshots.

You need a VERITAS FlashSnapTM or FastResync license to use this feature.

FastResync performs quick and efficient resynchronization of stale mirrors. It also increases the efficiency of the VxVM snapshot mechanism when used with operations such as backup and decision support. See Administering Volume Snapshots and FastResync for more information.

There are two possible versions of FastResync that can be enabled on a volume:

  • Persistent FastResync holds copies of the FastResync maps on disk. These can be used for the speedy recovery of mirrored volumes if a system is rebooted. This form of FastResync requires that either a version 0 or a version 20 data change object (DCO) and DCO volume first be associated with the volume.
  • See Adding a Version 0 DCO and DCO Volume, and Preparing a Volume for DRL and Instant Snapshots for more information on version 0 and version 20 DCO volumes respectively.
    If the existing volume was created in a previous release of VxVM, and it has any attached snapshot plexes or it is associated with any snapshot volumes, follow the procedure given in Upgrading Existing Volumes to Use Version 20 DCOs.
  • Non-Persistent FastResync holds the FastResync maps in memory. These do not survive on a system that is rebooted.

By default, FastResync is not enabled on newly created volumes. Specify the fastresync=on attribute to the vxassist make command if you want to enable FastResync on a volume that you are creating.

Note   Note    It is not possible to configure both Persistent and Non-Persistent FastResync on a volume. Persistent FastResync is used if a DCO is associated with the volume. Otherwise, Non-Persistent FastResync is used.

To turn FastResync on for an existing volume, specify fastresync=on to the vxvol command as shown here:

vxvol [-g diskgroup] set fastresync=on volume
Note   Note    To use FastResync with a snapshot, FastResync must be enabled before the snapshot is taken, and must remain enabled until after the snapback is completed.

Checking Whether FastResync is Enabled on a Volume

To check whether FastResync is enabled on a volume, use the following command:

vxprint [-g diskgroup] -F%fastresync volume

This command returns on if FastResync is enabled; otherwise, it returns off.

If FastResync is enabled, to check whether it is Non-Persistent or Persistent FastResync, use the following command:

vxprint [-g diskgroup] -F%hasdcolog volume

This command returns on if Persistent FastResync is enabled; otherwise, it returns off.

To list all volumes on which Non-Persistent FastResync is enabled, use the following command:

vxprint [-g diskgroup] -F "%name" \
   -e "v_fastresync=on && !v_hasdcolog"

To list all volumes on which Persistent FastResync is enabled, use the following command:

vxprint [-g diskgroup] -F "%name" -e "v_fastresync=on \ 
  && v_hasdcolog"

Disabling FastResync

Use the vxvol command to turn off Persistent or Non-Persistent FastResync for an existing volume, as shown here:

vxvol [-g diskgroup] set fastresync=off volume

Turning FastResync off releases all tracking maps for the specified volume. All subsequent reattaches will not use the FastResync facility, but perform a full resynchronization of the volume. This occurs even if FastResync is later turned on.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation