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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Adding Logs and Maps to Volumes

In VERITAS Volume Manager, several types of volume logs and maps are supported:

  • FastResync Maps are used to perform quick and efficient resynchronization of mirrors (see FastResync for details). These maps are supported either in memory (Non-Persistent FastResync), or on disk as part of a DCO volume (Persistent FastResync). Two types of DCO volumes are supported:
  • Dirty Region Logs allow the fast recovery of mirrored volumes after a system crash (see Dirty Region Logging (DRL) for details). These logs are supported either as DRL log plexes, or as part of a version 20 DCO volume. Refer to the following sections for information on enabling DRL on a volume:
  • RAID-5 logs are used to prevent corruption of data during recovery of RAID-5 volumes (see RAID-5 Logging for details). These logs are configured as plexes on disks other than those that are used for the columns of the RAID-5 volume.
  • See Adding a RAID-5 Log for information on adding RAID-5 logs to a RAID-5 volume.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation