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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started   

Starting VEA

Only users with appropriate privileges can run VEA. (Refer to the Installation manuals for your products for information on security and access permissions.)

You can use VEA to administer the local machine or a remote machine. The VxVM daemon (vxconfigd) and the VEA server (vxsvc) must be running on the machine to be administered. Once VEA is installed, the VEA server starts up automatically at system startup.

You can start the VEA console from a Windows or UNIX client.

From a Windows Client

From a Windows client, you can start VEA from the Start menu, or from the command line.

Using the Start Menu

To invoke VEA from the Start menu, click on:

Start --> Programs --> VERITAS Enterprise Administrator--> VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Console.

Using the Command Line

To invoke VEA from the command line:

  1. Go to the directory where the VEA client is installed; for example,

    Object Bus\bin.
  2. Start the VEA client by running the batch file vea.bat from this location.

    When starting the VEA client from the command line, the following options are available

    -v : Shows the version of client console.

    -c : Specifies the configuration file for advanced settings.

    -host : Specifies the host to connect to. If the username and password for the host is already stored, these will be used; otherwise, you will be prompted for your username and password.

From a UNIX Client

To invoke VEA from the command line:

  1. Go to the directory where VEA client is installed; for example,
  2. Start the VEA client by running the script vea from this location.

    When starting the VEA client from the command line, the following options are available

    -v : Shows the version of client console.

    -c : Specifies the configuration file for advanced settings.

    -host : Specifies the host to connect to. If the username and password for the host is already stored, these will be used; otherwise, you will be prompted for your username and password.

Startup Profile

If you have selected a password protected profile as your startup profile, you are prompted to enter the password when VEA starts up.

Enter your password and click OK to continue, or click Select Profile to bring up the Select Profile dialog, which enables you to select an alternative profile.

(Clicking Cancel will end the application.)

Selecting an Alternative Profile

Select one of the profiles from the list, and enter the password, if necessary.

Click OK to log in.

You can also select Tools > Manage Profiles to bring up the Manage Profiles dialog (refer to Managing User Profiles).

If No Profiles Exist

If no profiles exist when you start VEA, the following message appears:

No profiles exist on this system. A new default profile has been created. If you want to create additional profiles, you may create using the "Tools" -> "Manage Profiles..." menu item

Click OK to continue.

You can also select Tools > Manage Profiles to bring up the Manage Profiles dialog (refer to Managing User Profiles).

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started  
VERITAS Software Corporation