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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started   

Managing User Profiles

The user profile feature enables individual users running VEA on the same machine to maintain their own preferences, connection history and favorites information.

To use the user profile feature, select Tools > Manage Profiles. The Manage Profiles dialog appears. This allows you to:

Selecting a Startup Profile

A default startup profile (Default) is created by VEA when it is invoked by the first time. The Default profile is particularly useful when VEA is being used in a single user environment, in which case, you can use the Default profile rather than creating additional profiles.

You cannot delete or modify the Default profile, and it is not password protected.

You also have the option of selecting your own startup profile (in Startup using:). Alternatively, you can choose to be asked at each logon, which profile to use.

Creating a New Profile

Select the New button to create a new profile. This brings up the New Profile dialog.

You then enter the desired name for the profile. The following characters are not allowed in the profile name:

" ~!@#$%^&*()=+-[]{}\\|'\";:.,<>/?`"

You can also choose to employ a password.

Note   Note    You must remember this password, for there is no way of retrieving a lost password, and the profile cannot then be deleted at a later stage. (A blank password or a password consisting of spaces alone will not be considered for a password, and the profile will be marked as not having a password.)

Changing Your Password

Select the profile, and then click Edit to change the password for the profile. This brings up the Edit Profile dialog.

You will need to know the current password in order to change your password.

Deleting a Profile

Select the profile, and then click Delete to delete a profile. You are then prompted to confirm the deletion of the profile.

If the selected profile is password protected, you are then prompted to enter the password.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started  
VERITAS Software Corporation