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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vgrestore - restore a VxVM disk group back to an LVM volume group


/etc/vx/bin/vgrestore vg_name


The vgrestore command restores a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume group that was previously converted to a VxVM disk group by the vxvmconvert utility.



Specifies the name of a volume group that was converted to a VxVM disk group by the vxvmconvert utility.


vgrestore exits with one of the following values:


Successful completion.


Failure; an error occurred.


vgrestore functions only on VxVM disk groups that were converted from LVM volume groups by the vxvmconvert command.

It is a good idea to back up user data before running vgrestore, and restore it after the vgrestore completes, as vgrestore can only restore a logical volume back to the state it was in before conversion to VxVM. If data changed on the volume while it was a VxVM volume, the changes won't be reflected on the volume after being restored to LVM.

As part of the original conversion process, applications that once referenced the now-converted LVM volume's path names may have changed to reference VxVM volume special device file names. Alternatively, special device file path names originally representing the now-converted LVM volumes may have changed to symbolic links pointing to the VxVM volume path names. Be sure to undo these actions when restoring back to LVM.

Do not use vgrestore unless you are certain that you want to restore LVM volume groups. After vgrestore this is run, the VxVM disks will no longer exist.


To restore the LVM volume group vg03 that was converted by vxvmconvert to the VxVM disk group dg03, enter:

vgcfgrestore vg03


vxvmconvert (1M)
VERITAS Volume Manager Migration Guide
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation