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Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



dgcfgrestore - display or restore VxVM disk group configuration from backup file


/usr/sbin/dgcfgrestore -n dg_name -l
/usr/sbin/dgcfgrestore -n dg_name [ -o old_dm_name ] dm_name
/usr/sbin/dgcfgrestore -f dg_conf_path -l
/usr/sbin/dgcfgrestore -f dg_conf_path [ -o old_dm_name ] dm_name


The dgcfgrestore command may be used to restore configuration data to the only disk in a single-disk disk group, or to a disk in a multi-disk disk group in which all other disks do not have a configuration data copy.

dgcfgrestore is designed not to work if the disk being restored belongs to a multi-disk disk group and at least one of the other disks in the group is online and contains configuration data. In such cases, adding the new disk to the disk group causes the configuration data to be copied to the new disk.

dgcfgrestore fails if the disk group to which the disk is being restored does not exist.

The dgcfgrestore command restores the VxVM configuration data from a default (-n option) or alternate (-f option) configuration backup file to the physical disk named by dm_name.

If the -l option is specified, dgcfgrestore displays the configuration data on the standard output.

The -o option allows the configuration stored for one disk device, old_dm_name, to be copied to another disk device, dm_name.



Specified the basename of a disk device (such as c0t4d0).

If the -o option is not specified, dm_name must specify the basename of a disk device whose configuration is stored in the configuration backup file.

-f dg_conf_path

Obtains configuration information from the alternate configuration backup file specied by dg_conf_path.


Lists configuration information saved in the specified configuration backup file.

-n dg_name

Obtains configuration information from the default configuration backup file, /etc/vxvmconf/dg_name.conf, where dg_name is the name of the disk group.

-o old_dm_name

Restores the configuration information saved for disk device, old_dm_name to disk device, dm_name.

old_dm_name must be the basename of a disk device whose VxVM configuration is stored in the configuration backup file.

dm_name must be the basename of a disk device that has already been initialized to the disk group to which the disk being restored belonged. Note: Its configuration need not be stored in the configuration backup file.


dgcfgrestore exits with a zero status on successful completion. An non-zero exit status indicates that errors occurred during the restore operation.


Restore the VxVM configuration information for the VxVM disk disk01 on the replacement disk device c0t7d0 that was part of the single-disk disk group onediskdg using the default configuration file /etc/vxvmconf/dg00.conf:

##Initialize replaced disk device c0t7d0 for use by VxVM
# /etc/vx/bin/vxdisketup -i c0t7d0
##Create disk group using this disk
# vxdg init onediskdg disk01=c0t7d0
## Restore configuration data
# dgcfgrestore -n onediskdg c0t7d0
# vxprint -g onediskdg -ht
dg onedisk   default    default  7928000  944849696.3237.veritas9
dm disk01    c8t0d0     simple   1024     8885610  -
v  volume1   fsgen      DISABLED EMPTY    10240    SELECT    -
pl volume1-01 volume1   DISABLED EMPTY    10240    CONCAT    -        RW
sd disk01-01 volume1-01 disk01   0        10240    0         c8t0d0   ENA

It is now necessary to start the volumes. For a simple volume (neither RAID-5 nor mirrored), simply start the volume:

vxvol -g onediskdg start vol01

Although not recommended, it is possible to initialize disks that do not contain configuration data. Having redundant copies of configuration data on disks in a disk group avoids the need for the following procedure.

The next example shows how restore the VxVM configuration information for the VxVM disk, disk01 on the replacement disk device, c0t4d0. This was the only disk with configuration data in the two-disk disk group, dgnocfg. The other disk in the disk group, disk02 on c0t5d0, does not contain configuration data. The example uses the alternate configuration file /tmp/dgnocfg.backup.

## Initialize replaced disk device c0t4d0 for use by VxVM
# /etc/vxvm/bin/vxdisksetup -i c0t4d0
## Create disk group using this disk
# vxdg init dgnocfg disk01=c0t4d0
## Reinitialize c0t5d0 to match new instance of dgnocfg
# /etc/vxvm/bin/vxdiskunsetup -C c0t5d0
# /etc/vxvm/bin/vxdisksetup -i c0t5d0 noconfig
# vxdg -g dgnocfg adddisk disk02=c0t5d0
## Restore configuration data
#d gcfgrestore -f /tmp/dgnocfg.backup c0t4d0
# vxprint -g dgnocfg -ht
dg dgnocfg    default     default  5035000  945182942.3700.veritas9
dm disk01     c0t4d0      simple   1024     8885610  -
dm disk02     c0t5d0      simple   1024     8885610  -
v  mirvol01   fsgen       DISABLED EMPTY    10240    SELECT    -
pl mirvol01-01 mirvol01   DISABLED EMPTY    10240    CONCAT    -        RW
sd disk01-01  mirvol01-01 disk01   0        10240    0         c0t4d0   ENA
pl mirvol01-02 mirvol01   DISABLED EMPTY    10240    CONCAT    -        RW
sd disk02-01  mirvol01-02 disk02   0        10240    0         c0t5d0   ENA

For a mirrored volume, we want to use the good plex on the disk that was not replaced (disk02) to resynchronize the other one. To do so, we take the replaced plex offline, start the volume and place the remaining plex online.

vxmend -g dgnocfg off mirvol01-01
vxvol -g dgnocfg start mirvol01
vxmend -g dgnocfg on mirvol01-01

The next example lists backup information saved in default configuration file /etc/vxvmconf/dgnocfg.conf:

dgcfgrestore -n twodiskdg -l

This command displays output such as the following:

Disk Group Configuration information in "/etc/vxvmconf/twodiskdg.conf"
DG Name twodiskdg
---- Physical disks : 2 ----

The final example restores the VxVM configuration information for the VxVM disk, disk01 for failed disk device c0t2d0, which was part of a single-disk disk group, foodg, to disk, c0t3d0. The default configuration file, /etc/vxvmconf/foodg.conf is used.

# Initialize c0t3d0 for use by VxVM
/etc/vx/bin/vxdisketup -i c0t3d0
# Create disk group using this disk
vxdg init onediskdg disk01=c0t3d0
# Restore configuration data
dgcfgrestore -n foodg -o c0t3d0 c0t2d0


dgcfgrestore was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company.


dgcfgbackup (1M), vxdg (1M)
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation