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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: User Commands (1m)   



cfsmntadm - add, delete, modify, and set policy on cluster mounted file systems


cfsmntadm add shared_disk_group shared_volume mount_point
[ service_group_name ] node_name=[mount_options ...]

cfsmntadm add shared_disk_group shared_volume mount_point
[ service_group_name ] all=[mount_options ]
[ [ node_name ] ... ]

cfsmntadm add ckpt ckpt_name mount_point ckpt_mount_point
all=[mount_options ]
[ [ node_name ] ... ]

cfsmntadm add snapshot shared_disk_group shared_volume
mount_point snapshot_mount_point
[mount_options ]

cfsmntadm add snapshot dev=local_block_device mount_point
snapshot_mount_point local_node=
[mount_options ]

cfsmntadm delete device_path
cfsmntadm delete mount_point
cfsmntadm display [ -v ] { node_name | mount_point }
cfsmntadm modify mount_point node_name=[mount_options ...]
cfsmntadm modify mount_point node_name+=mount_options ...
cfsmntadm modify mount_point node_name-=mount_options ...
cfsmntadm modify mount_point all=[mount_options]
cfsmntadm modify mount_point all+=mount_options
cfsmntadm modify mount_point all-=mount_options
cfsmntadm modify mount_point add node_name=[mount_options ...]
cfsmntadm modify mount_point delete node_name ...
cfsmntadm modify device_path vol new_volume_name
cfsmntadm modify mount_point vol new_volume_name
cfsmntadm setpolicy mount_point [ [ node_name ] ... ]




The cfsmntadm command is the cluster mount administrative interface for VERITAS Cluster File Systems. Using cfsmntadm you can add, delete, display, modify, and set the primary election policy on cluster mounted file systems.

A shared disk group and shared volume must already be created, and a VxFS file system must exist on the volume, before using this command.

Only a privileged user can run this command.



Adds a shared volume (cluster file system) to the cluster by associating it with the mount point on the specified nodes. cfsmntadm add adds this information (also referred to as the cluster mount instance) to the cluster configuration. The shared volume is automatically mounted when the nodes come up and join the cluster. To explicitly mount a shared volume on a node, use the cfsmount command.

A shared volume (cluster file system) can be associated with all the nodes in the cluster, or with a subset of nodes within the cluster. The cfsmount operation for this shared volume fails from the nodes with which it is not associated. You can add or delete nodes from the list of nodes to which a shared volume is associated by using the cfsmntadm modify command.

cfsmntadm add returns 0 after successfully creating the mount point, returns 4 if the cluster mount point definition already exists, or returns another value greater than 0 if the cluster mount point cannot be added.

Note   Note    After the cluster mount instance is set, the mount_point associated with it is used by other commands, such as cfsmount, to reference it.


Adds a Storage Checkpoint mount instance to the cluster configuration and sets up a dependency between the Storage Checkpoint instance and the parent instance. The parent mount instance must exist at the time the Storage Checkpoint instance is created. cfsmntadm does not create the Storage Checkpoint. See the fsckptadm(1M) manual page for information on creating Storage Checkpoints. You can mount the Storage Checkpoint instance using the cfsmount command.


Adds a snapshot mount instance to the cluster configuration and sets up a dependency between the snapshot instance and the parent instance. The parent mount instance must exist at the time the snapshot instance is created. You can mount the snapshot instance using the cfsmount command. See the mount_vxfs(1M) manual page and the VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide for information on creating snapshots.


Deletes the cluster mount instance by dissociating the shared volume (cluster file system) from the mount point on various nodes. cfsmntadm delete also removes the definition of a cluster mount instance from the cluster configuration that was previously added by cfsmntadm add. After a cluster mount is deleted, the shared volume cannot be mounted by the cfsmount command. Deleting a mount instance can fail if it is mounted, or if it is the parent of a Storage Checkpoint or snapshot mount instance.


Changes the mount options for a cluster mount. If the shared volume is already mounted on a node for which the mount options have to be changed, the shared volume is remounted. Otherwise, changed mount options take effect at the next mount operation. Note: If the deleted node is the last node associated with a cluster mount, running the cfsmntadm modify delete command results in the cluster mount not being associated with any node in the cluster. The cluster mount instance definition is still saved. Nodes can be reattached to it using cfsmntadm modify. An instance of cluster-wide mount cannot be removed except with the cfsmntadm delete command. The cfsmntadm modify vol option must be used after renaming a volume with the vxedit command. The vol option updates the cfsadmin framework after renaming the affected volume.


When used with the mount_point argument, displays the cluster file system properties associated with a mount point. The following are displayed for a shared volume or a mount point:

      • Name of the shared volume
      • Name of the shared disk group to which the shared volume belongs
      • List of nodes on which the shared volume can be mounted
      • List of nodes on which shared volume is currently mounted
      • Mount options for each node
      • Primary node for the file system mounted at mount_point
      • Displays the primary election policy, if any, for the file system
      • When used with the node_name argument, displays the list of shared volumes mounted on the specified node. The following are displayed for each mounted shared volume:

    • Name of the shared volume
    • Type of mount point
    • setpolicy

      Sets the primary election policy for a cluster file system. node_name is a list of nodes as that can assume the primaryship for the file system mounted at mount_point. If no node is specified, the current policy for mount_point is nullified.



Specifies verbose mode.



Some mount options can be specified for all nodes. See the mount_vxfs(1M) manual page for information on mount options applicable to cluster file systems.


Appends the specified mount options to the existing mount options for all nodes.


Removes the specified mount options from the existing mount options for all nodes.


The VxVM block or raw device path corresponding to the specified mount point.


Path name of the directory on which the shared volume must be cluster mounted. All the nodes in the cluster mount the shared volume at this mount point.


List of node names on which the shared volume can be mounted. These nodes must be part of the cluster or the request fails for that node. If no node names are specified, the cluster mount is attached with all the nodes in the cluster.

node_name=mount_options ...

Specifies mount options for each node.

node_name+=mount_options ...

Appends the specified mount options to the existing mount options of the specified node.

node_name-=mount_options ...

Removes the specified mount options from the existing mount options of the specified node.


Name of the VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) shared disk group.


The service group in which the mount instances are created. It is not necessary to specify a service group unless you want to control where the mount instances are created.


Name of the VxVM shared volume.


You can use either of the following two commands to change a cluster configuration to add a cluster mount point /mnt1, associated with the shared disk group sharedg and the shared volume vol01, and attached to both nodes of a 2-node cluster.

cfsmntadm add sharedg vol01 /mnt1 all=cluster
cfsmntadm add sharedg vol01 /mnt1 node1=cluster node2=cluster

To add a cluster mount point /mnt1, associated with the shared disk group sharedg and the shared volume vol01, and attached only to one node of a 2-node cluster, enter:

cfsmntadm add sharedg vol01 /mnt1 node1=cluster

To delete the cluster mount point /mnt1 from a cluster configuration, enter:

cfsmntadm delete /mnt1

If the shared volume is mounted at /mnt1, the above command will fail. To delete the cluster mount point /mnt1 from a cluster configuration, whether or not it has a shared volume mounted, enter:

cfsmntadm delete /mnt1

To change the mount options associated with all the nodes in the cluster for a cluster mount /mnt1, enter:

cfsmntadm modify /mnt1 all=cluster,convosync=direct

The following command adds a node to the list of nodes associated with a cluster mount. This new node must be part of the cluster. After the new node is added, the shared volume can be mounted on them using the cfsmount command.

cfsmntadm modify /mnt1 add node2=cluster

The following command deletes a node from the list of nodes associated with a cluster mount.

cfsmntadm modify delete node2

To set the primary election policy for the cluster mount /mnt1, enter:

cfsmntadm setpolicy /mnt1 node1 node3 node2

To change the primary election policy for a cluster mount /mnt1, enter:

cfsmntadm setpolicy /mnt1 node3 node2 node1


cfsmntadm returns an exit value of 0 if the command completes successfully, and a value greater than 0 if the command fails.


cfscluster (1M), cfsdgadm (1M), cfsmount (1M), fsckptadm(1M), fsclustadm(1M), mount_vxfs(1M)
VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide
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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: User Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation