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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: User Commands (1m)   



cfscluster - CFS cluster configuration command


cfscluster config [ -t timeout ] [ -s ] | unconfig
cfscluster start
cfscluster status
cfscluster stop [ -f ] [ all | node_name ... ]




The cfscluster command configures or unconfigures VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) cluster functionality (CVM) and the VxFS file systems on the nodes where CVM was configured. cfscluster can also start and stop CVM on a node and obtain status.

The cfscluster config command needs to be run only once, and from only one node in the cluster. Cluster manager software must be up and connecting the cluster before you run cfscluster.

Only a privileged user can run this command.



Configures and starts CVM on the nodes in a cluster. (Nodes are connected to each other by private network and are directly connected to a shared storage device.) config enables direct access to shared disks by the cluster nodes.

The cluster configuration is initialized with the list of nodes forming the cluster. When a node is taken out of the cluster, CVM is stopped on the node by the cluster manager. This means no access to the shared disks from that node. Similarly, when a node re-joins the cluster, CVM is started automatically on the specified node.


Unconfigures the cluster set up between the nodes by removing the cluster configuration.


Starts the cluster manager on the local node. This joins the node to the cluster. On the local node, cfscluster start starts the cluster manager. If there are any cluster mounts associated with the node, the associated shared volume is mounted.


Stops the cluster manager on the specified nodes, removing the nodes from the cluster. If a node_name is not specified, the cluster manager on the local node is stopped. Use stop all to stop the cluster manager on all nodes.

If a shared volume is mounted on the node, the command fails unless the force option, -f, is specified. If the force option is used, the shared volume is unmounted, then the cluster manager is stopped on that node.


Reports the status of cluster manager, the CVM state, and mount resources on all nodes in the cluster.



The force option unmounts the shared volume from all the nodes in the cluster. Use this option to unmount shared volumes before stopping the cluster. Caution: Be careful when using the -f option. If the unmount fails in presence of Storage Checkpoints, snapshots, or secondary-only mounts, the resources can fault.


Start CVM.

-t timeout

The timeout value for CVM cluster reconfiguration, specified in seconds.



List of nodes (linked by a private network) on which to configure the cluster. A node name is a machine name obtained using the uname -n command (see the uname(1) manual page).


cfscluster returns an exit value of 0 if the command completes successfully, and a value greater than 0 if the command fails.



File used by the cluster manager to identify cluster system names. Do not use a full domain name when listing systems. The output of the hostname command is sufficient.


hostname(1), uname(1), cfsdgadm (1M), cfsmntadm (1M), cfsmount (1M)
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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: User Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation