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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxres_lvmroot - restore LVM root disk from VERITAS Volume Manager root disk


vxres_lvmroot [-v] [-b] [-D] new_disk_da_name
vxres_lvmroot [-v] [-b] [-D] [-p Pool_1,Pool_2,...] new_disk_da_name


The vxres_lvmroot command initializes the specified physical disks as a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) root disks under HP-UX. The resulting LVM root volume group is named vg## where ## is the first number starting at 00 that creates a unique LVM volume group name. The specified disks must have enough space to accommodate the total size of all of the volumes in the VxVM root disk group.

The new LVM root volume group is then populated with volumes of the same size and type as the volumes from the existing VxVM root disk group. Volumes named rootvol, swapvol, standvol, usrvol, tmpvol, homevol, optvol and dumpvol on the VxVM root disk are replaced with the LVM standard volume names lvol3, lvol2, lvol1, lvol6, lvol5, lvol4, lvol8, and lvol2 respectively. The names of other volumes on the new root volume group are generated by determining the next available lvoln name for as many volumes as exist on the VxVM root disk group.

As each LVM volume is made, the data from each VxVM volume is copied to the equivalent LVM volume. For volumes containing file systems, the copy is performed using the cpio command. For volumes that do not contain file systems, the data is copied using the dd command. To minimize disk arm movement, volume copies are performed serially in the foreground. To ensure that no data corruption has occurred during copying, the fsck command is run on each freshly populated file system.

The second form of the vxres_lvmroot command shown in the SYNOPSIS section allows a multiple disk VxVM root disk group to be copied. This form of the command also supports striped volumes. The argument to the -p option is a comma-separated list of additional disks that are required to copy a multiple disk VxVM root disk group. Before commencing copying, vxres_lvmroot determines the number of disks that are required. If insufficient disks are specified, vxres_lvmroot displays how many disks are needed before exiting with an error.

After all of the volumes have been copied, the mkboot command is run on the new disk to set it up as a bootable LVM disk under HP-UX. Once this is complete, the root and stand file systems on the new disk are temporarily mounted, and the following files updated to reflect the new environment:

  • /etc/fstab on the new root file system is updated to reflect the paths to the block device nodes that correspond to the LVM volumes. The old information about mounting VxVM volumes is preserved at the end of the file in comment lines.
  • /stand/bootconf is regenerated in the new stand file system. The contents of this file define the path of the block device node corresponding to the new root disk together with an indication that it is an LVM boot disk, for example:

  • l  /dev/dsk/c1t5d0



Invokes the setboot command to change the primary and alternate boot device settings. The primary boot device is set to the newly cloned LVM root disk. The alternate boot device is set to the original VxVM root disk. If the -v option is also specified, information on the setting of the primary and alternate boot devices is displayed.


Uses the vxdump(1M) and vxrestore(1M) commands to copy VxFS file systems, and the dump(1M) and restore(1M) commands to copy HFS file systems.

The default method of copying file systems is to use the find(1M) and cpio(1M) commands. However, if one or more of the file systems to be copied contain files with "holes" (that is, files that appear to be very large, but which are sparse and contain very little storage), this may exceed the capability of the target file system to copy the files using find and cpio. One symptom of this condition is to receive a "file system full" indication on the target file system while copying. (Whereas the find and cpio commands assume that a file's size correctly represents the storage required, the vxdump, vxrestore, dump and restore commands copy a sparse file as it appears in the source file system.)

If a "file system full" condition is indicated for one of the target file systems, start vxres_lvmroot again with the -D option specified.

Note   Note    the vxdump, vxrestore, dump and restore commands are not well suited for running from a shell script. If you interrupt the script (for example, by pressing Ctrl-C), these commands prompt you to ask whether you really want to continue or abort. The output from the dump commands is verbose and so is redirected to a file. As this redirection would hide any continue/abort prompt, and make the program appear to hang, the interrupt signal is temporarily disabled while the copy is in progress (a message to this effect is displayed if the -v option is specified).


Outputs verbose messages including a timestamp that indicates major operations being performed. Since copying the data on a root disk can take a considerable amount of time, this gives an indication of the progress being made.



Specifies the device name (disk access name) of the physical disk that is to become the LVM root disk.


This example shows the vxres_lvmroot command invoked in its simplest form:

/etc/vx/bin/vxres_lvmroot c5t1d0

This example shows the behavior of the vxres_lvmroot command when invoked with the -v (verbose) option:

# /etc/vx/bin/vxres_lvmroot -v -b c5t13d0
vxres_lvmroot 18:12:
  Gathering information on the current VxVM root config
vxres_lvmroot 18:12:
  Checking specified disk(s) for usability
vxres_lvmroot 18:12:
  Preparing disk c5t13d0 as an LVM root disk
vxres_lvmroot 18:12:
  Creating LVM Volume Group vg00
vxres_lvmroot 18:12:
  Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/standvol (hfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol1
vxres_lvmroot 18:12:
  Cloning /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/swapvol (swap) to /dev/vg00/lvol2
vxres_lvmroot 18:12:
  Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/rootvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol3
vxres_lvmroot 18:13:
  Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/homevol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol4
vxres_lvmroot 18:13:
  Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/tmpvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol5
vxres_lvmroot 18:13:
  Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/usrvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol6
vxres_lvmroot 18:33:
  Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/optvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol7
vxres_lvmroot 18:41:
  Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/varvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol8
vxres_lvmroot 18:45:
  Setting up disk c5t13d0 as an LVM boot disk
vxres_lvmroot 18:45:
  Installing fstab and fixing dev nodes on new root FS
vxres_lvmroot 18:45: Current setboot values:
vxres_lvmroot 18:45: Primary:   0/4/0/1.10.0
vxres_lvmroot 18:45: Alternate: 0/4/0/1.12.0
vxres_lvmroot 18:45:
  Making disk c5t13d0 (0/4/0/1.13.0) the primary boot disk
vxres_lvmroot 18:45:
  Making disk c5t10d0 (0/4/0/1.10.0) the alternate boot disk
vxres_lvmroot 18:45:
  Disk c5t13d0 is now an LVM (VG vg00) rootable boot disk


If the vxres_lvmroot command aborts for any reason, or if you interrupt the command during execution (unless this is inhibited by the -D option), an attempt is made to clean up the LVM objects that had been generated up to the time of the abort or interruption. If an LVM object cannot be removed, an explanatory message is displayed.


cpio(1), dd(1), dump(1M), fsck(1M), restore(1M), setboot(1M), vxbootsetup (1M), vxcp_lvmroot (1M), vxdestroy_lvmroot (1M), vxdump(1M), vxrestore(1M)
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation