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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxdctl - control the volume configuration daemon


vxdctl [-c] mode
vxdctl [-k] stop
vxdctl cacheenable
vxdctl cachedisable
vxdctl cacheflush
vxdctl defaultdg diskgroup
vxdctl disable
vxdctl enable
vxdctl hostid hostid
vxdctl init [hostid]
vxdctl initdmp
vxdctl license [init]
vxdctl list
vxdctl mode
vxdctl protocolrange
vxdctl protocolversion
vxdctl support
vxdctl upgrade


The vxdctl utility manages aspects of the state of the volume configuration daemon, vxconfigd, sets the default disk group for the system, and also sets up the boot disk group if the root disk is under VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) control.

The volboot file forms a key element in managing the state of vxconfigd and importing the boot disk group. This file contains a host ID that VxVM uses to establish ownership of physical disks. The host ID is used to ensure that two or more hosts do not interfere with each other when accessing disks on a shared SCSI bus or Storage Area Network (SAN). VxVM also uses host IDs to generate unique ID strings for stamping disks and disk groups.

Note   Note    The purpose of the cluster environment is to allow hosts that can access disks on a shared bus to do so in a coordinated way. In this environment, the host ID is not used to prevent shared access; however, it is used for other internal functions.

The volboot file contains the name of the system-wide default disk group if this has been configured. If the root disk is under VxVM control, the volboot file also contains the name of disk group, the boot disk group, to which the root disk belongs.

vxconfigd operates in one of the following modes: enabled, disabled or booted.

The enabled state is the normal operating state. Most configuration operations are allowed in this state. Entering the enabled state imports all disk groups, and begins the management of device nodes stored in the /dev/vx/dsk and /dev/vx/rdsk directories.

In the disabled state, vxconfigd does not retain configuration information for the imported disk groups, and does not maintain the volume device directories. Most operations are disallowed in this state. Certain failures, such as the volboot file not being loaded or devices not being auto-configured, cause vxconfigd to enter the disabled state automatically.

The booted state is entered as part of normal system startup, prior to checking the root file system with fsck. If the root disk is under VxVM control, entering the booted mode imports the boot disk group. If the root disk is not under VxVM control, no disk groups are imported. vxconfigd then waits for a request to enter the enabled mode. The volume device node directories are not maintained in booted mode, because it may not be possible to write to the root file system.

The action performed by vxdctl depends upon the specified keyword operand(s).



Requests that caching of device opens are enabled in the VxVM kernel module.

At the VxVM configuration discovery time a disk device may be opened and closed multiple times. Depending on the disk array(s) being used, multiple opens of the same device could delay the startup time of the vxconfigd significantly. To minimize the delay in multiple opens, the first open of the device is cached and used for subsequent opens.

When the machine is booting, the caching is automatically enabled to speed up the boot process. Once the machine has been booted, the caching is disabled via the VxVM startup script.

If caching is enabled and the vxconfigd has been started and you do not plan to restart the vxconfigd or re-enable the VxVM configuration, then the device caching should be disabled by using the cachedisable.


Request that caching of device opens are disabled and the currently cached devices are flushed from the VxVM kernel module.


Request that any cached device open entries in the VxVM kernel module are flushed.


Specifies the system-wide default disk group that is aliased by the reserved name, defaultdg. You can use the command vxdg defaultdg to display the currently defined default disk group.

If bootdg is specified as the argument to this command, the default disk group is set to be the same as the currently defined system-wide boot disk group. You can use the command vxdg bootdg to display the currently defined boot disk group.

If nodg is specified as the argument, the default disk group is undefined.

Note   Note    The specified disk group need not currently exist on the system.


Requests that vxconfigd enter disabled mode. This may be necessary to perform some maintenance operations. This does not disable any configuration state loaded into the kernel. It only prevents further configuration changes to loaded disk groups until vxconfigd is re-enabled.


Requests that vxconfigd enter enabled mode, import all disk groups, and rebuild the volume device node directories. This operation can be used even if vxconfigd is already in enabled mode. The primary purpose for using this operation when in enabled mode is to rebuild the volume device nodes. This operation causes vxconfigd to scan for any disks that were newly added since vxconfigd was last started. In this manner, disks can be dynamically configured to the system and then recognized by VxVM. If the multipathing support is available, this option also causes vxconfigd to rebuild the DMP internal database to reflect the new state of the system after addition of the disk devices. The new disk devices detected by vxconfigd are added in the DMP database with their associated subpaths and parent DMP device.


Changes the host ID in the volboot file, and on all disks in disk groups currently imported on this machine. It may be desirable to change the VxVM host ID for your machine if you change the network node name of your machine.

If some disks are inaccessible at the time of a hostid operation, it may be necessary to use the vxdisk clearimport operation to clear out the old host ID on those disks when they become reaccessible. Otherwise, you may not be able to re-add those disks to their disk groups.

Note   Note    Be careful when using this command. If the system crashes before the hostid operation completes, some disk groups may not reimport automatically.


Reinitializes the volboot file with a new host ID, highest supported cluster protocol version, system-wide default disk group name, and boot disk group name (if the root disk is under VxVM control).

If a hostid operand is specified, this string is used; otherwise, a default host ID is used. The default host ID is normally taken as the network node name for the host (see uname(1M)). On systems with a hardware-defined system ID, the default host ID might be derived from this hardware ID.


Creates user level nodes for all DMP devices that the kernel has detected. This removes all existing active DMP nodes in the /dev/vx/[r]dmp directory, and creates fresh nodes for the DMP devices that have been detected.

license [init]

Without any arguments, the vxdctl license command prints the list of features which are currently available based on known licensing information.

Note   Note    If only a Base VxVM license is installed, the vxdctl license command displays "DMP (single path enabled)". If either the Full VxVM license or an automatically generated license (such as that for the PHOTON array) is installed, the command displays "DMP (multipath enabled)".

With the init argument specified, the vxdctl license init command requests that vxconfigd re-read any persistently stored license information. If licenses have expired, this can make some features unavailable. If new licenses were added, but are not yet recognized by vxconfigd, this command forces vxconfigd to rescan the licenses, and to make the new licenses available.


Lists the contents of the volboot file including the host ID, some sequence numbers, the cluster protocol version, the name of the system-wide default disk group (if any), and the name of the boot disk group (if the root disk is under VxVM control).


Prints the current operating mode of vxconfigd. The output format is:

mode: operating_mode
where operating_mode is one of enabled, disabled, booted, or not-running.
If the -c flag is specified and vxconfigd is in the enabled mode, the clustered state of vxconfigd is displayed. The output format is:

mode: enabled: clustered_state
where clustered_state is one of cluster inactive, cluster active - role not set, cluster active - MASTER, cluster active - SLAVE. This information is only available if the VxVM cluster feature is enabled.


Print the cluster protocol range supported by the node. The output format is:

minprotoversion: minimum protocol version, \
maxprotoversion: maximum protocol version


Prints the current cluster protocol version of the node. The output format is:

cluster running at protocol protocolversion
The protocolversion is a value in the range listed by vxdctl protocolrange. This information is only available if the VxVM cluster feature is enabled.


Displays information about the versions of VxVM objects and components that are supported by the configuration daemon that is currently running. Versions are printed as colon-separated name/value pairs:


Version of vxconfigd that is currently running.


Lowest disk group version supported by vxconfigd.


Highest disk group version supported by vxconfigd.


Highest kernel version supported by vxconfigd.


Lowest cluster protocol version supported by the node.


Highest cluster protocol version supported by the node.


Cluster protocol version currently running on the node.

The protocol version information is only meaningful for the VxVM cluster feature.


Requests that vxconfigd exit. This may be necessary to reset VxVM, such as when the -r reset option is specified to vxconfigd. This command does not disable any configuration state that is loaded into the kernel. It only affects the ability to make configuration changes until vxconfigd is restarted. If the -k option is used, vxconfigd is stopped by sending it a SIGKILL signal. The command pauses for up to one second to verify that vxconfigd has exited. It returns an error if vxconfigd has not exited after one second's delay has elapsed.


Requests that the cluster be upgraded to the highest cluster protocol possible. This is only available if the VxVM cluster feature is enabled.



File containing miscellaneous boot information.


File containing a list of disks to be scanned and configured.


From release 4.0 of VxVM, the add disk and rm disk commands are no longer supported.


fsck(1M), signal(5), uname(1M), vxconfigd (1M), vxdg (1M), vxdisk (1M), vxdmp (7), vxintro (1M), vxlicinst(1), vxlicrep(1)
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation