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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxdarestore - restore simple or nopriv disk access records




The vxdarestore utility is used to restore persistent simple or nopriv disk access (da) records that have failed due to changing the naming scheme used by vxconfigd from c#t#d#-based to enclosure-based.

The use of vxdarestore is required if you use the vxdiskadm command to change from the c#t#d#-based to the enclosure-based naming scheme. As a result, some existing persistent simple or nopriv disks go into the "error" state and the VxVM objects on those disks fail.

vxdarestore may be used to restore the disk access records that have failed. The utility also recovers the VxVM objects on the failed disk access records.

Note   Note    vxdarestore may only be run when vxconfigd is using the enclosure-based naming scheme.

Note   Note    You can use the command vxdisk list da_name to discover whether a disk access record is persistent. The record is non-persistent if the flags field includes the flag autoconfig; otherwise it is persistent.

The following sections describe how to use the vxdarestore utility under various conditions.


If all persistent simple or nopriv disks in the rootdg disk group go into the "error" state, use the following procedure:


Use the vxdiskadm command to change back to the c#t#d# based naming scheme.


Either shut down and reboot the host, or run the following command:

vxconfigd -kr reset


If you want to use the enclosure-based naming scheme, add a non-persistent simple disk to the rootdg disk group, use vxdiskadm to change to the enclosure-based naming scheme, and then run vxdarestore.

Note   Note    If not all the disks in rootdg go into the error state, simply running vxdarestore restores those disks in the error state and the objects that that they contain.


If all disk access records in an imported disk group consist only of persistent simple and/or nopriv disks, the disk group is put in the "online dgdisabled" state after changing to the enclosure-based naming scheme. For such disk groups, perform the following steps:


Deport the disk group using the following command:

vxdg deport diskgroup


Run the vxdarestore command.


Re-import the disk group using the following command:

vxdg import diskgroup


Use of the vxdarestore command is not required in the following cases:

  • If there are no persistent simple or nopriv disk access records on an HP-UX host.
  • If all devices on which simple or nopriv disks are present are not automatically configurable by VxVM. For example, third-party drivers export devices that are not automatically configured by VxVM. VxVM objects on simple/nopriv disks created from such disks are not affected by switching to the enclosure based naming scheme.

The vxdarestore command does not handle the following cases:

  • If the enclosure-based naming scheme is in use and the vxdmpadm command is used to change the name of an enclosure, the disk access names of all devices in that enclosure are also changed. As a result, any persistent simple/nopriv disks in the enclosure are put into the "error" state, and VxVM objects configured on those disks fail.
  • If the enclosure-based naming scheme is in use and the system is rebooted after making hardware configuration changes to the host. This may change the disk access names and cause some persistent simple/nopriv disks to be put into the "error" state.
  • If the enclosure-based naming scheme is in use, the device discovery layer claims some disks under the JBOD category, and the vxddladm rmjbod command is used to remove remove support for the JBOD category for disks from a particular vendor. As a result of the consequent name change, disks with persistent disk access records are put into the "error" state, and VxVM objects configured on those disks fail.


A zero exit status is returned if the operation is successful or if no actions were necessary. An exit status of 1 is returned if vxdarestore is run while vxconfigd is using the c#t#d# naming scheme. An exit status of 2 is returned if vxconfigd is not running.


vxconfigd (1M), vxdg (1M), vxdisk (1M), vxdiskadm (1M), vxdmpadm (1M), vxintro (1M), vxreattach (1M), vxrecover (1M)
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation