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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxadm - perform distributed VxVM operations


vxadm [options] keyword operation argument...
vxadm [-n node_name] dg version dgname
vxadm help [keyword] [operation]
vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap addmap

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap dis

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap make snapshot_tuple [snapshot_tuple]...

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap prepare

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap reattach

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap refresh

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap restore

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap split source=volume
vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap syncstart source=volume
vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap syncwait source=volume
vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snap unprepare

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snpt create

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snpt remove source=volume [/snptname=snpt]
vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snpt removeall source=volume
vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snpt rename

vxadm [-n node_name] -g dg_name snpt setnodata


The vxadm utility allows you to perform a limited set of VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) operations on remote systems or clusters. The specified keyword and operation determine the action that is performed. Additional arguments and options determine the object on which the operation must be performed.

The vxadm command supports instant snapshot and snappoint operations on both local and shared disk groups. If the cluster functionality of VxVM is in use, vxadm operations are automatically directed to the master node for execution.


The following keywords are supported:


Displays information about the usage of keywords and operations.


The dg version operation returns the version number of the specified disk group. This operation can be used to determine whether a disk group has been upgraded to VxVM 4.0 with a version number of 110. Instant snaphot and snappoint operations are available only on disk groups with a version number greater than or equal to 110.


Performs instant snapshot operations in a manner similar to the vxsnap command. For more information about these operations, refer to the vxsnap(1M) manual page.


Performs snappoint operations in a manner similar to the vxsnptadm command. For more information about these operations, refer to the vxsnptadm(1M) manual page.


The vxadm utility uses the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator (VEA) infrastructure to perform distributed operations. Connection to the VEA server on a remote host requires the provision of a valid user ID and password. This information is read from the file /etc/vx/vxadm/vxpwd, which must contain the following user and password definition for each remote host that is to be administered:


Each field must be separate by one tab character. Comment lines in the vxpwd file must start with a # character in the first column.

Caution: As the password is stored in plain text, it is recommended that you the permissions on the /etc/vx/vxadm/vxpwd file to read-only for the owner root, and remove read, write or execute permission for group or any other user.


-g dg_name>

Specifies the name of the disk group to which the operation is to be applied. If not specified, the default disk group is assumed if this is defined by defaultdg.

-n node_name

Specifies the host on which the operation should be performed. If the specified disk group is a cluster-sharable disk group, and the specified host is a slave node, the operation is diverted to the master node.


The vxadm command returns 0 in the case of the successful execution of the operation. In the case of error, it returns one of the following error codes:


Usage error. An invalid option or argument was specified.


You do not have permission to connect to the local VEA server, or the user ID and password that are specified in the /etc/vx/vxadm/vxpwd for connecting to the VEA server on a remote host are incorrect.

Use the command /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvc -m on the intended host to check the status of VEA server:

Not Running

Restart the VEA server on the intended host.


Check that the specified user ID has the appropriate privileges to run VEA on the specified host. Also ensure that the user ID and password entries that are specified for the host in the /etc/vx/vxadm/vxpwd file are correct.

Start Pending

Wait for the VEA server to start.


The format of the file /etc/vx/vxadm/vxpwd is incorrect, or the file does not contain an entry for the specified host.


Unspecified internal error.

Retry the command after restarting the VEA server on the intended host. If the problem persists, contact VERITAS customer support.


The object (such as a disk group, volume or plex) that was specified on the command line is invalid.



Contains user IDs and passwords for access to VEA servers on remote systems.


No white space is allowed between attributes that are separated by slashes (/).


vxdg (1M), vxintro (1M), vxsnap (1M), vxsnptadm(1M)
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation