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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Stopping and Starting Volume Sets

Under some circumstances, you may need to stop and restart a volume set. For example, a volume within the set may have become detached, as shown here:

vxvset -g mydg list set1
vol1                 0      12582912   DETACHED  -
vol2                 1      12582912    ENABLED  -
vol3                 2      12582912    ENABLED  -

To stop and restart one or more volume sets, use the following commands:

vxvset [-g diskgroup] stop volset ...
vxvset [-g diskgroup] start volset ...

For the example given previously, the effect of running these commands on the component volumes is shown below:

vxvset -g mydg stop set1
vxvset -g mydg list set1
vol1                 0      12582912   DISABLED  -
vol2                 1      12582912   DISABLED  -
vol3                 2      12582912   DISABLED  -
vxvset -g mydg start set1
vxvset -g mydg list set1
vol1                 0      12582912    ENABLED  -
vol2                 1      12582912    ENABLED  -
vol3                 2      12582912    ENABLED  -
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation