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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Creating a Striped Volume

Note   Note    You need a full license to use this feature.

A striped volume contains at least one plex that consists of two or more subdisks located on two or more physical disks. For more information on striping, see Striping (RAID-0).

Note   Note    A striped volume requires space to be available on at least as many disks in the disk group as the number of columns in the volume.

To create a striped volume, use the following command:

vxassist [-b] [-g diskgroup] make volume length layout=stripe

For example, to create the 10-gigabyte striped volume volzebra, in the disk group, mydg, use the following command:

vxassist -b -g mydg make volzebra 10g layout=stripe 

This creates a striped volume with the default stripe unit size (64 kilobytes) and the default number of stripes (2).

You can specify the disks on which the volumes are to be created by including the disk names on the command line. For example, to create a 30-gigabyte striped volume on three specific disks, mydg03, mydg04, and mydg05, use the following command:

vxassist -b -g mydg make stripevol 30g layout=stripe \
  mydg03 mydg04 mydg05

To change the number of columns or the stripe width, use the ncolumn and stripeunit modifiers with vxassist. For example, the following command creates a striped volume with 5 columns and a 32-kilobyte stripe size:

vxassist -b -g mydg make stripevol 30g layout=stripe \
  stripeunit=32k ncol=5

Creating a Mirrored-Stripe Volume

A mirrored-stripe volume mirrors several striped data plexes.

Note   Note    A mirrored-stripe volume requires space to be available on at least as many disks in the disk group as the number of mirrors multiplied by the number of columns in the volume.

To create a striped-mirror volume, use the following command:

vxassist [-b] [-g diskgroup] make volume length 
  layout=mirror-stripe [nmirror=number_mirrors] \ 
  [ncol=number_of_columns] [stripewidth=size]

Alternatively, first create a striped volume, and then mirror it as described in Adding a Mirror to a Volume. In this case, the additional data plexes may be either striped or concatenated.

Creating a Striped-Mirror Volume

A striped-mirror volume is an example of a layered volume which stripes several underlying mirror volumes.

Note   Note    A striped-mirror volume requires space to be available on at least as many disks in the disk group as the number of columns multiplied by the number of stripes in the volume.

To create a striped-mirror volume, use the following command:

vxassist [-b] [-g diskgroup] make volume length \ 
  layout=stripe-mirror [nmirror=number_mirrors] \ 
  [ncol=number_of_columns] [stripewidth=size]

By default, VxVM attempts to create the underlying volumes by mirroring subdisks rather than columns if the size of each column is greater than the value for the attribute stripe-mirror-col-split-trigger-pt that is defined in the vxassist defaults file.

If there are multiple subdisks per column, you can choose to mirror each subdisk individually instead of each column. To mirror at the subdisk level, specify the layout as stripe-mirror-sd rather than stripe-mirror. To mirror at the column level, specify the layout as stripe-mirror-col rather than stripe-mirror.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation