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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Moving Plexes

Moving a plex copies the data content from the original plex onto a new plex. To move a plex, use the following command:

vxplex [-g diskgroup] mv original_plex new_plex

For a move task to be successful, the following criteria must be met:

  • The old plex must be an active part of an active (ENABLED) volume.
  • The new plex must be at least the same size or larger than the old plex.
  • The new plex must not be associated with another volume.

The size of the plex has several implications:

  • If the new plex is smaller or more sparse than the original plex, an incomplete copy is made of the data on the original plex. If an incomplete copy is desired, use the -o force option to vxplex.
  • If the new plex is longer or less sparse than the original plex, the data that exists on the original plex is copied onto the new plex. Any area that is not on the original plex, but is represented on the new plex, is filled from other complete plexes associated with the same volume.
  • If the new plex is longer than the volume itself, then the remaining area of the new plex above the size of the volume is not initialized and remains unused.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation