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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Displaying Disk Information

Before you use a disk, you need to know if it has been initialized and placed under VxVM control. You also need to know if the disk is part of a disk group, because you cannot create volumes on a disk that is not part of a disk group. The vxdisk list command displays device names for all recognized disks, the disk names, the disk group names associated with each disk, and the status of each disk.

To display information on all disks that are known to VxVM, use the following command:

vxdisk list

VxVM returns a display similar to the following:

DEVICE        TYPE         DISK      GROUP      STATUS
c0t0d0        auto:hpdisk         mydg04      mydg      online
c1t0d0        auto:hpdisk         mydg03      mydg      online
c1t1d0        auto:hpdisk         -      -      online invalid
enc0_2        auto:hpdisk         mydg02      mydg      online
enc0_3        auto:hpdisk         mydg05      mydg       online
enc0_0         auto:hpdisk          -       -       online
enc0_1         auto:hpdisk          -       -       online
Note   Note    The phrase online invalid in the STATUS line indicates that a disk has not yet been added to VxVM control. These disks may or may not have been initialized by VxVM previously. Disks that are listed as online are already under VxVM control.

To display details on a particular disk defined to VxVM, use the following command:

vxdisk list diskname

Displaying Disk Information with vxdiskadm

Displaying disk information shows you which disks are initialized, to which disk groups they belong, and the disk status. The list command displays device names for all recognized disks, the disk names, the disk group names associated with each disk, and the status of each disk.

To display disk information, use the following procedure:

  1. Start the vxdiskadm program, and select list (List disk information) from the main menu.
  2. At the following display, enter the address of the disk you want to see, or enter all for a list of all disks:
    List disk information 
    Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/ListDisk 
    VxVM INFO V-5-2-475 Use this menu operation to display a list of disks. You can also choose to list detailed information about the disk at a specific disk device address.
    Enter disk device or "all" [<address>,all,q,?] (default: all) 

    • If you enter all, VxVM displays the device name, disk name, group, and status.
    • If you enter the address of the device for which you want information, complete disk information (including the device name, the type of disk, and information about the public and private areas of the disk) is displayed.
    • Once you have examined this information, press Return to return to the main menu.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation