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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Deporting a Disk Group

Deporting a disk group disables access to a disk group that is currently enabled (imported) by the system. Deport a disk group if you intend to move the disks in a disk group to another system. Also, deport a disk group if you want to use all of the disks remaining in a disk group for a new purpose.

To deport a disk group, use the following procedure:

  1. Stop all activity by applications to volumes that are configured in the disk group that is to be deported. Unmount file systems and shut down databases that are configured on the volumes.
    Note   Note    Deportation fails if the disk group contains volumes that are in use (for example, by mounted file systems or databases).
  2. Use the following command to stop the volumes in the disk group:
    vxvol -g diskgroup stopall
  3. Select menu item 8 (Remove access to (deport) a disk group) from the vxdiskadm main menu.
  4. At the following prompt, enter the name of the disk group to be deported (in this example, newdg):
      Remove access to (deport) a disk group 
      Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/DeportDiskGroup 
      Use this menu operation to remove access to
      a disk group that is currently enabled (imported) by this system.
      Deport a disk group if you intend to move the disks in a disk
      group to another system. Also, deport a disk group if you want to
      use all of the disks remaining in a disk group for some new

      You will be prompted for the name of a disk group. You will also
       be asked if the disks should be disabled (offlined). For 
      removable disk devices on some systems, it is important to 
      disable all access to the disk before removing the disk. 
      Enter name of disk group [<group>,list,q,?] (default: list)
  5. At the following prompt, enter y if you intend to remove the disks in this disk group:
      VxVM INFO V-5-2-377 The requested operation is to disable access
      to the removable disk group named newdg. This disk group is
      stored on the following disks: 
           newdg01 on device c1t1d0 

      You can choose to disable access to (also known as "offline")
      these disks. This may be necessary to prevent errors if 
      you actually remove any of the disks from the system. 

      Disable (offline) the indicated disks? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) y
  6. At the following prompt, press Return to continue with the operation:
      Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

    Once the disk group is deported, the vxdiskadm utility displays the following message:

      VxVM INFO V-5-2-269 Removal of disk group newdg was successful.
  7. At the following prompt, indicate whether you want to disable another disk group (y) or return to the vxdiskadm main menu (n):
      Disable another disk group? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) 

Alternatively, you can use the vxdg command to deport a disk group:

vxdg deport diskgroup 
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation