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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide   

Backing Up a Disk Group Configuration

VxVM uses the disk group configuration daemon to monitor the configuration of disk groups, and to back up the configuration whenever it is changed. By default, the five most recent backups are preserved. If required, you can also back up a disk group configuration by running the vxconfigbackup command.

The following table describes the files that record disk group configuration information:

Backup Files Description


Disk group information.

/etc/vx/cbr/bk/diskgroup.dgid/dgid .diskinfo

Disk attributes.

/etc/vx/cbr/bk/diskgroup.dgid/dgid .binconfig

Binary configuration copy.


Configuration records in vxprint -m format.

Here diskgroup is the name of the disk group, and dgid is the disk group ID. If a disk group is to be recreated on another system, copy these files to that system.

Caution  Caution    Take care that you do not overwrite any files on the target system that are used by a disk group on that system.

To back up a disk group manually, use this command:

/etc/vx/bin/vxconfigbackup diskgroup

To back up all disk groups, use this version of the command:


For more information, see the vxconfigbackup(1M) manual page.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation