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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager   

Appendix: Conversion Error Messages

This appendix lists the error messages that you may encounter when conversting LVM volume groups to VxVM disk groups and volumes. For each error message, a description is provided of the problem, and the action that you can take to troubleshoot it.

Error messages that you may encounter during conversion include the following:

  Analysis indicates that this volume group cannot be converted because not all of the disks and/or volumes in the LVM volume group are currently accessible

  • Description
  • For successful conversion, all physical volumes in a volume group must be on-line, and all logical volumes must be active and accessible.
  • Action
  • Make sure the physical volumes in a volume group are on-line and the logical volumes are active and not in use.

  Analysis shows that there is insufficient private space available to convert this volume group

  • Description
  • The error message indicates the maximum amount of records that can be stored in the private space, and how many records are needed to convert this particular volume group.
  • Action
  • You can reduce the number of records needed by reducing the number of logical volumes in volume group by combining some of the logical volumes together.

  Device device_name has the following bad blocks... Cannot convert LVM Volume Group

  • Description
  • Unlike LVM, VxVM does not support bad block revectoring at the physical volume level. If there appear to be any valid bad blocks in the bad block directory of any disk used in an LVM volume group, the group cannot be converted.
  • Action
  • You have the following choices:

    • Place a hardware call to have the disk replaced or have the hardware engineer use the diagnostics (if applicable for this disk type) to re-vector the block. Then clear the BBDIR as described below.
    • If the errors were transient, or after the disk has been replaced, clear the BBDIR as follows:

    1. Back up all the data associated with the physical volume.
    2. Make a current backup of the LVM headers, for example:

    3.    vgcfgbackup /dev/vg01 
    4. Close all the logical volumes associated with the volume group and then deactivate the volume group.
    5. Create a dummy link to the raw device, for example:

    6.    ln /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/rdsk/temp 
    7. Destroy the LVM headers using pvcreate -f on the dummy link, for example:

    8.    pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/temp 
    9. Remove the dummy link to the raw device, for example:

    10.    rm /dev/rdsk/temp 
    11. Restore the headers from the lvmconf backup, for example:

    12.    vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg01 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 
    13. Activate the volume group and integrity check the data or recover from backup.

  The conversion process was unable to deactivate the volume group vol_grp_name

  • Description
  • This indicates that the conversion process cannot deactivate the volume group.
  • Action
  • The conversion cannot be completed without rebooting the machine. If you cannot afford to reboot, then choose abort and try again later.

  This Volume Group contains one or more logical volumes with mirrored data

  • Description
  • If an administrator attempts to convert a Mirrored LVM Volume Group without a valid VxVM license installed, the conversion is not allowed.
  • Action
  • Install the required license before attempting the conversion.

  Too many LVM Volumes to convert in this LVM Volume Group

  • Description
  • If there is insufficient private space, the conversion is not allowed to continue. Also, the conversion records already generated are removed such that in the event of an unexpected crash and reboot, the conversion cannot proceed automatically.
  • Action
  • You can reduce the number of logical volumes in volume group by combining some of the logical volumes together, or by aborting. You can restart the conversion process later with fewer volumes in the group.

  vgchange: Couldn't deactivate volume group /dev/vol_grp

  • Description
  • The conversion process was unable to deactivate the volume group. The conversion cannot proceed without reboots being done. If you choose to not reboot your system, the conversion is aborted.
  • Action
  • The system responds with an option to complete the conversion by rebooting the system.

  vxdiskadm or vxvmconvert is already being run and these programs cannot run concurrently

  • Description
  • The system detects that the vxdiskadd or vxvmconvert program is already running.
  • Action
  • Retry at a later time. Otherwise, if you are certain that no other users are running either of these programs, remove the file .DISKADD.LOCK from the /var/spool/locks directory to allow you to run vxvmconvert.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager  
VERITAS Software Corporation