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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager   

Coexistence of VxVM and LVM Disks

Both LVM disks and VxVM disks can exist together on a system. The LVM disks are detected and displayed as such by VxVM. LVM disks are not selected by VxVM for initialization, addition, or replacement.

Both LVM and VxVM utilities are aware of the other volume manager, and will not overwrite disks that are being managed by the other volume manager unless conversion or rollback is being performed between LVM logical volumes and VxVM volumes. The administrative utilities (SAM and VEA) recognize and identify all disks on the system (see SAM and the VEA, for details).

The vxvmconvert command is provided to enable LVM disks to be converted to a VxVM disk format without losing any data. For more information, see Converting LVM to VxVM.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager  
VERITAS Software Corporation