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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Installing Configuration Elements into Storage Pools and Disk Groups

If you specify a template set, storage pool definition or a storage pool set definition when creating a storage pool, the required templates and capabilities are automatically associated with the storage pool and with its disk group. (See Creating a Storage Pool for details.)

A storage pool's selfsufficient policy governs whether configuration elements can be installed automatically from the Configuration Database as required. If the policy is set to host, elements are available to the pool from the Configuration Database, from the disk group and from the pool itself. If the policy is set to diskgroup, the pool can install additional elements from the disk group, but not from the Configuration Database. A policy value of pool means that only elements that are installed in the pool can be used. If required, you can use the vxtemplate command to install templates, capabilities and template sets from the Configuration Database into disk groups and pools.

Template sets are convenient for installing many capabilities and templates in a single operation. The following example shows how to install all the capabilities and templates from the template set, DataMirroring, into a storage pool, mypool, and its disk group, mydg:

vxtemplate -g mydg -p mypool install template_set=DataMirroring

This is equivalent to using this (very long) command:

vxtemplate -r -g mydg -p mypool install \
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation