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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Using Disk Group Split and Join with Storage Pools

Storage pools form the smallest unit that can participate in disk group split and join operations (see the section "Reorganizing the Contents of Disk Groups" in the "Creating and Administering Disk Groups" chapter of the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide for details).

Note   Note    Only clone storage pools can be moved between disk groups; data pools must remain in the disk group in which they were created.

The following command is used to split one or more clone pools from a source disk group to a newly created target disk group:

vxdg split sourcedg targetdg clonepool ...

All volumes (including instant snapshots) within the specified clone pools are moved to clone pools within the target disk group.

Note   Note    Any disk group that contains a clone pool must also contain a data pool. If a clone pool is split from a disk group, an empty data pool is also created in the newly created target disk group.

The following command is used to join two disk groups by merging the contents of the source disk group with the target disk group and then removing the source disk group:

vxdg join sourcedg targetdg

All volumes (including full-sized instant snapshots) within the clone pool in the source disk group are moved to a clone pool of the same name within the target disk group.

Note   Note    When two disk groups containing storage pools are joined, only one of the data pools may contain any disks, and the set of templates that are associated with one data pool must be a subset (including the null set) of the templates that are associated with the other data pool. The join operation fails if both data pools contain disks, if the sets of templates are overlapping or disjoint. At the end of the join operation, the data pool that contains the most templates is retained and the other data pool is deleted.

You can use the following command to move a clone pool between disk groups:

vxdg move sourcedg targetdg clonepool ...

As for the split operation, a data pool is created in the target disk group if no data pool currently exists there.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation