Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started   




























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Action menu

    A context-sensitive menu that changes its menu options to match the type of object that is selected. By default, the Action menu is greyed out. When an object is selected, the Action menu provides access to tasks appropriate for the selected object.


    An indication that an error or failure has occurred on an object on the system. When an object fails or experiences an error, an alert icon appears.

alert icon

    An icon that indicates that an error or failure has occurred on an object on the system. Alert icons usually appear in the status area of the main window and on the group icon of the affected object.

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Alert Monitor

    A window that provides information about objects that have failed or experienced errors.

Array Support Library

    See ASL.


    A dynamically loadable library to discover attributes of a disk array.

browse dialog box

    A dialog box that is used to view and/or select existing objects on the system. Most browse dialog boxes consist of a tree and grid.


    A window control that the user clicks to initiate a task or display another object (such as a window or menu).

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    You can create volumes having specific capabilities. A capability is a simple name used to indicate what the capability means. Storage is allocated according to your request. For example, you can ask for a volume to be Performant and Reliable. These are capabilities have parameters such as, number of striped columns or number of mirrors.


    Cluster file system. A VxFS file system mounted on a selected volume in cluster (shared) mode.

check box

    A control button used to select optional settings. A check mark usually indicates that a check box is selected.


    Objects that belong to an object group.


    A set of host machines (nodes) that shares a set of disks.

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cluster file system

    See CFS.

command log

    A log file that contains a history of VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) tasks performed in the current session and previous sessions. Each task is listed with the task originator, the start/finish times, the task status, and the low-level commands used to perform the task.

DCO Data Change Object

    See DCO.


    A Volume Manager object that keeps the Persistent FastResync tracking information


    DDI properties are device driver properties primarily used in Solaris OS.

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    Device Discovery Layer. A facility of VxVM for discovering disk attributes needed for VxVM DMP operation.

Device Discovery Layer

    See DDL

Dirty Region Logging

    See DRL.

device name

    The physical disk device name (or disk access name).

dialog box

    A window in which the user submits information to VxVM. Dialog boxes can contain selectable buttons and/or fields that accept information.

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disk group

    A set of disks that are under VxVM control and share a common configuration. A disk group configuration is a set of records containing detailed information on existing VERITAS Volume Manager objects (such as disk and volume attributes) and their relationships. Each disk group has an administrator-assigned name. Volumes can only be created on disks that belong to disk groups.

disk name

    The VERITAS Volume Manager disk name (or disk media name). This is the logical name given to the disk by VxVM or the administrator.


    The VERITAS Volume Manager Dynamic Multipathing facility.


    To separate or attach the main window and a subwindow.


    A VxVM mechanism that tracks mirror write inconsistency which helps in fast resynchronization of mirrors after system crash. Even though the term log is used, internally DRL is implemented as a map.

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Dynamic Multipathing

    See DMP.


    A disk array.


    A VxVM feature for fast resynchronizing of stale mirrors at the time of reattach which were earlier split off as a result of snapshot or detach operation.


    A disk region that does not contain VERITAS Volume Manager objects (subdisks).

graphical view

    A window that displays a graphical view of objects. In VxVM, the graphical views include the Object View window and the Volume Layout Details window.

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    A tabular display of objects and their properties. The grid lists VERITAS Volume Manager objects, disks, controllers, or file systems. The grid displays objects that belong to the group icon that is currently selected in the object tree. The grid is dynamic and constantly updates its contents to reflect changes to objects.

group icon

    The icon that represents a specific object group.


    Graphical User Interface.


    A machine or system.


    To start a task or open a window.

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Logical Unit Number. Each disk in an array has a LUN. Disk partitions may also be assigned a LUN.

main window

    The main VERITAS Volume Manager window. This window contains a tree and grid that display volumes, disks, and other objects on the system. The main window also has a menu bar, a toolbar, and an optional Command Launcher.


    A list of options or tasks. A menu item is selected by pointing to the item and clicking the mouse.

menu bar

    A bar that contains a set of menus for the current window. The menu bar is typically placed across the top of a window.


    A copy of a volume and its data. There can be several mirrors per volume. The terms mirror and plex are used synonymously.

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    In the VxVM tree, a node is an element attached to the tree.

    In a cluster environment, a node is a host machine in a cluster.

object group

    A group of objects of the same type. Each object group has a group icon and a group name. In VxVM, object groups include disk groups, disks, volumes, controllers, free disk pool disks, uninitialized disks, and file systems.

object tree

    A dynamic hierarchical display of VERITAS Volume Manager objects and other objects on the system. Each node in the tree represents a group of objects of the same type.

Object View Window

    A window that displays a graphical view of the volumes, disks, and other objects in a particular disk group. The objects displayed in this window are automatically updated when object properties change. This window can display detailed or basic information about volumes and disks.

Organization principle for disk group

    An organization principle is associated with a disk group. These disk groups have storage pools present on them. Volumes created on such disk groups are maintained by ISP. Traditional volumes cannot be created on these disk groups. You have the option of not associating a organization principle to a disk group.

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    A copy of a volume and its data. There can be several plexes per volume. The terms mirror and plex are used synonymously.

popup menu

    A context-sensitive menu that only appears when you click on a specific object or area.

properties window

    A window that displays detailed information about a selected object.

radio buttons

    A set of buttons used to select optional settings. Only one radio button in the set can be selected at any given time. These buttons toggle on or off.


    Rules specify the storage allocation criteria. These define storage selection and storage layout. Rules are simple sentences written in the ISP language.

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scroll bar

    A sliding control that is used to display different portions of the contents of a window.

Search window

    The VERITAS Volume Manager search tool. The Search window provides a set of search options that can be used to search for objects on the system.


    A bar that separates two panes of a window (such as the object tree and the grid). A splitter can be used to adjust the sizes of the panes.

status area

    An area of the main window that displays an alert icon when an object fails or experiences some other error.

storage pool - data pool, clone pool

    Storage pools are associated with disk groups. Storage pools are defined by templates, capabilities and policies. Policies governing a storage pool decide

  • to grow a storage pool to accommodate additional storage
  • to use templates not currently associated with it.

There are two types of storage pools: data pools and clone pools. Data pools are created first. All other storage pools that are created within a disk group are clone pools.

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    A set of contiguous disk blocks that form a logical disk segment. Subdisks are associated with plexes (mirrors) to form volumes.

task properties window

    A window that displays detailed information about a task listed in the Task Request Monitor window.

task request monitor

    A window that displays a history of tasks performed in the current VERITAS Volume Manager session. Each task is listed with the task originator, the task status, and the start/ finish times for the task.


    A set of buttons used to access VERITAS Volume Manager windows. These include another main window, a task request monitor, an alert monitor, a search window, and a customize window.


    A dynamic hierarchical display of objects on the system. Each node in the tree represents a group of objects of the same type.

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uninitialized disks

    Disks that are not under VxVM control.

user templates

    User templates are a collection of capabilities, templates and rules defined by the user to simplify tasks. You can group the capabilities you want the volume to have, and save these capabilities along with the rules as a user template.


    A virtual disk or entity that is made up of portions of one or more physical disks.

Volume Layout Details Window

    A window that displays a graphical view of a volume and its components. The objects displayed in this window are not automatically updated when the volume properties change.

Volume to Disk Mapping Window

    A window that displays a tabular view of volumes and their underlying disks. This window can also display details such as the subdisks and gaps on each disk.

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volume set

    The volume set feature provides support for the multi-device file system enhancement of VERITAS File System (VxFS). A volume set allows several volumes to be treated as a single object with one logical I/O interface.


    VERITAS File System.


    VERITAS Volume Manager.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started  
VERITAS Software Corporation