Appendix: Volume Group Definition Syntax
This appendix describes the syntax of a volumegroup definition that may be used as input to the vxvoladm command. Volume groups are generally used to create several volumes at the same time within a storage pool and are given equal weighting by VERITAS Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP) when allocating storage resources.
The syntax of a volumegroup definition is shown here:
volumegroup {
[diskgroup "dgname"]
[rules { volume-group-rules } ]
volume "name" length {
[cachevolume "cachevol"]
[capability 'capability[(name=value,...)][,capability...]']
[comment "comment"]
[dcologlen length]
[dm dm1,[dm2,...]]
[drl on|true|yes|sequential|off|false|no]
[excl on|off|true|false|yes|no]
[fmr on|off|true|false|yes|no]
[fstype type]
[group "group"]
[init active|none|zero]
[iodelay delay]
[iosize size]
[layout "layout-type"]
[max_ncolumn number]
[max_nraid5column number]
[min_ncolumn number]
[min_nraid5column number]
[mode mode]
[pool "poolname"]
[raid5_stripeunit width]
[raid5loglen length]
[regionsize size]
[rules { volume-rules } ]
[spare yes|no|only]
[stripe_stripeunit width]
[tasktag "tag"]
[type data|snapshot|cachevolume]
[user "user"]
[user_template "ut1"[,"ut2"...]]
[usetype "volume-usage-type"]
[volume_template "vt1"[,"vt2"...]]
[vxvmtaskid taskid]
[volume "name" length { ...
The volumegroup fields in this definition are:
diskgroup dgname The name of the disk group in which the volumes are to be created.
rules { volume-group-rules } The rules that are to be applied to all volumes in this volume group.
volume "name" length The name of a volume to be created and its size.
The volume fields in the definition are:
cachevolume "cachevol" The name of the cache volume on which a space-optimized snapshot volume is to be created.
capability 'capability[(name=value,...)][,capability...]' The capabilities that are desired for the volume.
comment "comment" A description of the volume.
dcologlen length The size of a DCO volume whose creation is implied by the specified capabilities or templates.
dm dm1,[dm2,...] A list of disk media which can be allocated to a volume.
drl on|true|yes|sequential|off|false|no Whether DRL, sequential DRL, or no DRL is enabled on a volume.
excl on|off|true|false|yes|no Whether a volume in a cluster-shareable disk group can be opened by only one node at a time.
fmr on|off|true|false|yes|no Whether FastResync is enabled on a volume.
fstype type Specifies the file system type for a volume.
group "group" The group ownership of a volume.
init active|none|zero The type of initialization to perform on a volume.
iodelay delay The delay in milliseconds between copy operations performed during recovery of a plex.
iosize size The size of each region that is resynchronized during recovery of a plex.
layout "layout-type" The plex layout that is to be created.
max_ncolumn number The maximum number of columns in a striped volume.
max_nraid5column number The maximum number of columns in a RAID-5 volume.
min_ncolumn number The minimum number of columns in a striped volume.
min_nraid5column number The minimum number of columns in a RAID-5 volume.
mode mode The permissions to be applied to a volume, for example 644.
pool "poolname" The name of the storage pool.
raid5_stripeunit width The stripe unit width for a RAID-5 column.
raid5loglen length The size of a RAID-5 log whose creation is implied by the specified capabilities or templates.
regionsize size The size of each region that is tracked by a bit in the maps within a version 20 DCO volume. The value of size must be a power of 2 and be greater than or equal to 16k (16KB). The default value is 64k (64KB).
rules { volume-rules } The rules that are to be applied during volume creation.
spare yes|no|only Whether spare disks can be used for hot-relocation, or only spare disks are to be used.
stripe_stripeunit width The stripe unit width.
tasktag "tag" A tag that can be used to track the volume creation task.
type data|snapshot|cachevolume Whether a volume is to be used for user data (such as a database or file system), as a full-sized instant snapshot volume, or as a cache volume for space-optimized instant snapshots.
user "user" The user ownership of a volume.
user_template ut1[,ut2...] The user templates that are to be used to create a volume.
usetype "volume-usage-type" The usage type of a volume, such as fsgen or raid5.
volume_template vt1[,vt2...] The templates that are to be used to create a volume.
vxvmtaskid taskid VxVM task ID.
Multiple volumes may be defined within a volume group, and multiple volume groups may be defined in a definitions file.