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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Creating Volumes

Create a 10-gigabyte concatenated volume:

vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g

Create a 2-way mirrored volume using rules:

vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g rules='mirror 2'

Create a 7-column striped volume using rules:

vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g rules='stripe 7'

Create a 2-way mirrored volume using the DataMirroring capability:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \

Create a 2-way mirrored volume with each mirror on a separate enclosure:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \

Create a 2-way mirror volume that is enabled for the creation of instant snapshots:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \
capability='DataMirroring(nmirs=2), InstantSnapshottable'

Create a volume using only disks from enclosure e1:

vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g rules='confineto "Enclosure"="e1"'
or alternatively:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \

Create a volume using disks on the same controller:

vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g rules='confineto "Controller"'
or alternatively:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \
capability='ConfineToSimilarStorage (name="Controller")'

Create a RAID-5 volume with a 2-way mirrored RAID-5 log and a 2-way mirrored DCO volume:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g capability='Raid5Capability,\
Raid5LogMirroring(nlogs=2), DCOLogMirroring(nlogs=2)'

Create a volume using a RAID-5 device that has been implemented in hardware (such as a RAID-5 LUN in an EMC Symmetrix array):

vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g capability='PrefabricatedRaid5'

Create a striped volume with a minimum of 10 columns using mirrored LUNs from enclosure e1, and for which instant snapshots can be taken:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \
capability='PrefabricatedDataMirroring, Striping(ncols=10),\
InstantSnapshottable' rules='confineto "Enclosure"="e1"'
or alternatively:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \
capability='PrefabricatedDataMirroring, Striping(ncols=10),\

Create a 4-way mirrored volume in which each mirror uses disks from the same enclosure, and for which instant snapshots can be taken:

# vxvoladm -g exdg make vol1 10g \
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation