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Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide   

Displaying Information

This section describes:

Displaying Traditional DRL Map Size and Log Size

Use the vxprint command to display the map length and map alignment of traditional DRL logs:

#  vxprint -g dg1 -vl drlvols
#  vxprint -g dg1 -vF '%name %logmap_len %logmap_align' drlvols

Displaying the Disk Group Alignment

To discover the value in blocks of the alignment that is set on a disk group, use this command:

vxprint -g diskgroup -G -F %align

Utilities that print information regarding a disk group record (such as, vxprint and vxdg list) can also output the disk group alignment. For example, to print information for disk group dg1, you can use the command:

vxdg list dg1

Displaying Volume Log Map Values

Use the vxprint command to determine the log map alignment and log map length values:

vxprint [ -g diskgroup ] -lv volname

For example, to print information for the volume vol1 in disk group dg1, you can use the command:

vxprint -g dg1 -lv vol1

The output is of the form:

logging: type=REGION loglen=0 serial=0/0 mapalign=0 maplen=0 (disabled)

This indicates a log map alignment (logmap_align) value of 0, and a log map length (logmap_len) value of 0.

If the log map is set and enabled, the command and results may be of the form:

vxprint -lv drlvol
Disk group: dgTestSol

Volume:   drlvol
info:     len=20480
type:     usetype=fsgen
state:    state=ACTIVE kernel=ENABLED cdsrecovery=0/0 (clean)
assoc:    plexes=drlvol-01,drlvol-02,drlvol-03
policies: read=SELECT (round-robin) exceptions=GEN_DET_SPARSE
flags:    closed writecopy writeback
logging: type=REGION loglen=528 serial=0/0 mapalign=16 maplen=512 (enabled)
apprecov: seqno=0/0
recovery: mode=default
device:   minor=46000 bdev=212/46000 cdev=212/46000
perms:    user=root group=root mode=0600
guid: {d968de3e-1dd1-11b2-8fc1-080020d223e5}

Listing Offset and Length Information

Use the vxprint command with the -b option to output all offset and length information in units of 512 bytes. This enables consistent output from different platforms. Without the -b option, this information is output with a value of sectors that may differ between platforms.

When vxprint -bm is used, the output also contains the b suffix, so that the output can be fed back to vxmake.

Listing CDS Disk Groups

You can use the following commands to list all disk groups; then look for flag cds in the listing to locate CDS disk groups.

vxdg list
vxprint -Gl

Listing Disks

Use the vxdisk list command with the -b option to output all offset and length information in units of 512 bytes. This enables consistent output from different platforms. Without the -b option, this information is output with a value of sectors that may differ between platforms.

When vxdisk -b list is used, the output also contains the b suffix, so that the output can be fed back to vxmake.

The disk format is put in the TYPE column along with the auto type.

Displaying Device Quotas for CDS Disk Groups

Use the vxprint -lG command to display the maximum number of devices in a CDS disk group. For example, to display the maximum number of devices in the CDS disk group cdsdg1, you can use a command of the form:

vxprint -lG cdsdg1

The output is similar to the following:

group:      dg1
info:      dgid=1027365608.1064.vmesc6
version: 110
alignment: 8192 (bytes)
activation: read-write
detach-policy: global
copies: nconfig=default nlog=default
devices: max=32000 cur=0
minors: >= 16000

The value of max on the devices line indicates the maximum number of devices. In this example, the maximum number of devices is 32,000.

You can also use the following command to obtain the maximum number of devices:

vxprint -g dg1 -GF %maxdev
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation