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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide   

When to Convert a File System

When moving a file system between different platforms, you might be required to convert the byte order of the file system. Consider the following information to determine if you must convert a file system:

  • You must convert the file system if you are moving the file system between platforms that have different byte orders (little endian versus big endian).
  • Conversion is not required when moving a file system between platforms that have the same byte order.
  • At present, VxFS for the AIX, HP-UX and Solaris OS platforms is available only on big endian systems, while VxFS for Linux is available only on little endian systems (x86). Therefore, byte order conversion is generally only an issue between Linux and these other operating systems. However, some VERITAS OEMs use VxFS on the x64 version of the Solaris OS, and therefore have little endian file systems. In such a case, conversion is required between the Solaris OS on x64 and AIX, HP-UX and the Solaris OS on SPARC, but not between the Solaris OS on x64 and Linux.

  • Note   Note    VERITAS has never supported moving file systems between different platforms, although in many cases a user might successfully do so and be able to access the data without trouble. You cannot move file systems of disk layouts earlier than Version 6 between different platforms. Doing so can result in data loss or data corruption.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Cross-Platform Data Sharing Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation