Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Miscellaneous (7)   



vxfsio - VxFS file system control functions


cc -I /opt/VRTS/include -L /opt/VRTS/lib
-l vxfsutil -ldld

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/fs/vx_ioctl.h>

int ioctl (int fildes, int cmd, arg);




The VxFS ioctl(2) enhancements provide extended control for open files.

The requirements for direct I/O are as follows:

  • The starting file offset must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary.
  • The ending file offset must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary, or the length must be a multiple of 512 bytes.
  • The memory buffer must start on an 8-byte boundary.

If the I/O is performed using the readv(2) and writev(2) system calls, these restrictions apply to each element of the array of struct iovec.

The requirements to perform direct I/O on a given platform and operating system release may be less restrictive than above, but these requirements are met, then direct I/O will work on any platform. In particular, Solaris and HP-UX do not require any alignment of the memory buffer.

Also note that on HP-UX, direct I/O will be the most efficient if the starting and ending file offsets are aligned on file system block boundaries, as reported in the field f_frsize of statvfs(2).

The argument fildes is an open file descriptor. The data type and value of arg are specific to the type of command specified by cmd.

The symbolic names for commands and file status flags are defined by the sys/fs/vx_ioctl.h header file. The available VxFS ioctls are:


    Sync then freeze the file system. After it is frozen, all operations on the file system are blocked until a VX_THAW operation is received. The argument arg is a timeout value expressed in seconds. If a VX_THAW operation is not received within the specified timeout interval, the file system performs a VX_THAW operation automatically.

    Only privileged users can run this command on the root directory of the file system.

    The VX_FREEZE ioctl returns a zero if the file system is successfully frozen. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC.


    Sync then freeze multiple file systems. This ioctl is identical to VX_FREEZE except that multiple file systems can be specified.


    Unblocks a file system that was frozen by a VX_FREEZE operation. The process that is to issue a VX_THAW operation must have the root directory of the file system open, and must ensure that it does not access the file system after the file system is frozen so that the process itself does not block.

    Only privileged users can run this command, on the root directory of the file system.

    The VX_THAW ioctl returns a zero if the file system is successfully thawed. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC or one of diagnostics listed in the DIAGNOSTICS section.


    Gets caching advisories in effect for the file. The argument arg is a pointer to an int.

    The VX_GETCACHE ioctl returns a zero if the caching advisories are successfully obtained and the advisories are returned in arg. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC.


    Sets caching advisories. These advisories allow an application to indicate to the file system which forms of caching are most advantageous.

    The values for arg are such that multiple advisories may be set by combining values with bitwise OR operations. The possible values for arg are VX_DIRECT, VX_DSYNC, VX_NOREUSE, VX_RANDOM, VX_SEQ, and VX_UNBUFFERED:


    Indicates that data associated with read and write operations is transferred directly to or from the user supplied buffer without being cached. When this option is enabled, all I/O operations must begin on block boundaries and must be a multiple of the block size in length. The buffer supplied with the I/O operations must be aligned to a 4-byte word boundary.

    If an I/O request fails to meet alignment criteria, or the file is currently being accessed for mapped I/O, the I/O request is performed as a data synchronous I/O operation.


    Indicates data synchronous I/O mode. In data synchronous I/O mode, a write operation returns to the caller after the data is transferred to external media, but the inode is not updated synchronously if only the times in the inode need to be updated.


    Indicates that buffered data does not need to be retained for further use by the application.


    Indicates that the file is being accessed randomly. Read-ahead is not performed.


    Indicates that the file is being accessed sequentially. Maximum read ahead is performed.


    Indicates that data associated with read and write operations is transferred directly to or from the user supplied buffer, without being cached. The alignment constraints are identical to those associated with the VX_DIRECT caching advisory.

    If the file is extended or space is allocated to the file and the VX_UNBUFFERED advisory is set, the inode is not written synchronously to disk before the write returns.

    The VX_RANDOM and VX_SEQ caching advisories are mutually exclusive. Similarly, only one of the VX_DIRECT, VX_DSYNC, or VX_UNBUFFERED caching advisories may be set.
    The VX_RANDOM, VX_SEQ, and VX_NOREUSE caching advisories are maintained on a per-file basis. Changes made to these advisories by a process affect I/O operations by all processes currently accessing the file.
    The VX_DIRECT, VX_DSYNC, and VX_UNBUFFERED caching advisories are maintained on a per-open instance of a file, so changes made to these advisories by a process do not affect the setting of these advisories, and therefore I/O operations, by another process.
    The VX_SETCACHE ioctl returns a zero if the caching advisories are successfully set. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC.


    Gets extent information. Returns the extent information associated with fildes. The argument arg points to a structure of type vx_ext as defined in sys/fs/vx_ioctl.h. Only persistent extent attributes are visible.

    The VX_GETEXT ioctl returns a zero if the extent information is successfully obtained. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC.


    Sets extent information.

    Note   Note    VX_SETEXT is available only with VERITAS Editions products.

    The extent information is set according to the parameters specified by arg. The argument arg points to a structure of type vx_ext defined in sys/fs/vx_ioctl.h. This structure contains the following members:

    off_t  ext_size;  /* Extent size in fs blocks */
    off_t  reserve;   /* Space reservation in fs blocks */
    int    a_flags;   /* Allocation flags */ 
    The ext_size element requests a fixed extent size, in blocks, for the file. If a fixed extent size is not required, use zero to allow the default allocation policy to be used. Changes to the fixed extent size made after the file contains indirect blocks have no effect unless all current indirect blocks are freed via file truncation and/or reservation deallocation.
    The reserve element sets the amount of space preallocated to the file (in blocks). If the reserve amount is greater than the current reservation, the allocation for the file is increased to match the reserve amount. If the reserve amount is less than the current reservation, the allocation is decreased. The allocation is not reduced to less than the current file size.
    File reservation cannot be increased beyond the ulimit(2) of the requesting process. However, an existing reservation will not be trimmed to the requesting process's ulimit(2). Reservation of space for existing sparse files only allocates blocks at the end of the file, not to fill holes. Thus, it is possible to have a larger reservation for a file than blocks in the file.
    The reservation amount is independent of file size since reservation is used to preallocate space for a file.
    The a_flags element is used to indicate the type of reservation required. The possible values for a_flags are VX_ALIGN, VX_CHGSIZE, VX_CONTIGUOUS, VX_NOEXTEND, VX_NORESERVE, and VX_TRIM:


    Aligns all new extents on an ext_size boundary relative to the starting block of an allocation unit. If VX_CONTIGUOUS is also set, the single extent allocated during this invocation is not subject to the alignment restriction.


    The reservation is immediately incorporated into the file. The file's on-disk inode is updated with the size and block count information that is increased to include the reserved space. This operation is restricted to users with appropriate privileges.


    The reservation is allocated contiguously (as a single extent). ext_size becomes the fixed extent size for subsequent allocations, but has no affect on this allocation. The reservation fails if the file has gone into indirect extents unless the amount of space requested is the same as the indirect extent size. If the contiguous allocation request is done on an empty file, this does not happen.


    The file is not extended after the current reservation is exceeded. The reservation may be increased, if necessary, by another invocation of the ioctl, but the file is not automatically extended.


    The reservation is a non-persistent allocation to the file. The on-disk inode is not updated with the reservation information, so the reservation cannot survive a system crash. The reservation is associated with the file until the close of the file. The reservation is trimmed to the current file size on close.


    The reservation for the file is trimmed to the current file size upon last close by all processes that have the file open.

    Write permission to a file is required to set extent information, but any process that can open the file can get the extent information. Extent information only applies to regular files. Only one set of extent information is kept per file. Only the VX_ALIGN and VX_NOEXTEND allocation flags are persistent attributes of the file. Other allocation flags may have persistent effects, but are not visible as allocation flags. VX_ALIGN, VX_NOEXTEND, and VX_TRIM are the only flags visible through the VX_GETEXT ioctl.
    The VX_SETEXT ioctl returns a zero if the extent information is successfully set. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC.


    Gets file system options. The argument arg is a pointer to an int. This command may be used by any user who can open the root inode on the file system. The options returned in arg are:


    Indicates that all newly allocated blocks are guaranteed to contain all zeros.


    Indicates that any non-logged changes to the inode or data are flushed to disk when the file is closed.


    Indicates that any non-synchronous I/O is handled as if the VX_DIRECT cache advisory is set on the file. Also, any non-logged changes to the inode or data are flushed to disk when the file is closed.


    Indicates that any writes that do not have either O_SYNC or the VX_DIRECT advisory set are handled as if the VX_DSYNC advisory is set on the file. Also, any non-logged changes to the inode or data are flushed to disk when the file is closed.


    Indicates that delayed extending writes are disabled. Non-logged changes to the inode or data are not flushed to disk when the file is closed.


    Indicates that any non-synchronous I/O is handled as if the VX_UNBUFFERED cache advisory is set on the file. Also, any non-logged changes to the inode or data is flushed to disk when the file is closed.


    Indicates that some system calls may return before the intent log is written.


    Indicates that intent logging of user data for synchronous writes is disabled.


    Indicates that any non-logged changes to the inode or data is flushed to disk when a file accessed with O_SYNC is closed.


    Indicates that any O_SYNC writes are delayed instead of taking effect immediately. No special action is taken when a file is closed.


    Indicates that any O_SYNC I/O is handled as if the VX_DIRECT cache advisory is set on the file instead. Also, any non-logged changes to the inode or data is flushed to disk when a file accessed with O_SYNC is closed.


    Indicates that any O_SYNC writes are handled as if the VX_DSYNC cache advisory is set on the file instead. Also, any non-logged changes to the inode or data are flushed to disk when a file accessed with O_SYNC is closed.


    Indicates that any O_SYNC I/O is handled as if the VX_UNBUFFERED cache advisory was set on the file. Also, any non-logged changes to the inode or data are flushed to disk when a file accessed with O_SYNC is closed.


    Indicates that a snapshot backup is in progress on the file system.


    Indicates that this file system is a snapshot backup of another file system.


    Indicates that the intent log is almost always delayed.


    Indicates that this is not the full feature VxFS available with the VERITAS Editions product.

The VX_GETFSOPT ioctl returns a zero if the file system options are successfully obtained. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC.


Gets the I/O parameters for optimized application I/O. The argument arg points to a structure of type vx_ioparameters as defined in sys/fs/vxio.h. The optimal I/O request sizes for applications using direct or discovered direct I/O are returned in this structure. Applications using buffered I/O must use a multiple of the st_blksize value returned by stat for their I/O requests. The VX_GET_IOPARAMETERS ioctl returns a zero if the parameters are successfully obtained. If the operation fails, the return value is -1 and the external variable errno is a general DIAGNOSTIC.

The fields in the vx_ioparameters structure are:

unsigned  vi_read_preferred_io; /* preferred read size in bytes */
unsigned  vi_read_nstream;   /* num of preferred reads to stream */
unsigned  vi_read_unit_io;   /* less preferred read size in bytes */
unsigned  vi_write_preferred_io; /* preferred write size in bytes */
unsigned  vi_write_nstream;  /* num of preferred writes to stream */
unsigned  vi_write_unit_io;  /* less preferred write size in bytes */
unsigned  vi_pref_strength;  /* strength of preferences */
unsigned  vi_breakup_size;   /* I/O breakup size in bytes */
unsigned  vi_align_offset;   /* adj for alignment calculations */
dev_t     vi_block_device;   /* bdev number for this cdev */ 
For an application to do the most efficient direct I/O or discovered direct I/O, read requests should be equal to the product of vi_read_nstream multiplied by vi_read_preferred_io. In general, any multiple or factor of vi_read_nstream multiplied by vi_read_preferred_io is a size for good performance. For writing, the same formula applies to the vi_write_preferred_io and vi_write_nstream parameters.
If an application is doing sequential I/O to large files, it issues a request larger than the discovered direct I/O size for the file system. This causes the I/O requests to be performed as discovered direct I/O requests (which are unbuffered like direct I/O but do not require synchronous inode updates when extending the file). If the file is larger than can fit in the cache, using unbuffered I/O avoids CPU overhead and removing useful data from the cache. See the vxtunefs(1M) manual page for more information on discovered direct I/O.


Operation failures can return any of the following values in errno :


The calling process does not have write access to the file specified by fildes.


The file system is not currently frozen.


The fildes argument is not a valid file descriptor open for writing.


An address specified by an argument is invalid.


An attempt was made to reserve space larger than the maximum file size limit for this process.


The command or argument is invalid.


An I/O error occurred while attempting to perform the operation.


The file specified by fildes is not the root directory of a VxFS file system.


Requested space could not be obtained.


The process does not have appropriate privilege.


The file system is mounted read-only.


The VX_FREEZE timeout expired before this call.


In some cases, fsadm may reorganize the extent map of a file in such a way as to make it less contiguous. However, it does not change the geometry of a file that has a fixed extent size.


ulimit(1), fsadm_vxfs (1M), vxtunefs (1M), fcntl(2), getrlimit(2), ioctl(2)
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Miscellaneous (7)  
VERITAS Software Corporation