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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



df_vxfs - report the number of free disk blocks and inodes for a VxFS file system


df [-F vxfs ] [ generic_options]
[-o { s | ckpt=ckpt_name | ckptall | snapstat} | vols}]
[directory | special ...]




The df command prints the number of free blocks and free inodes in VxFS file systems or directories based on the counts kept in the super-blocks.

VxFS dynamically allocates inodes from a pool of free blocks. The number of free inodes and blocks reported by df is an estimate based on the number of free 8K or larger extents and the current ratio of allocated inodes to allocated blocks. (Extents smaller than 8K may not be usable for all types of allocation, so df does not count free blocks in extents smaller than 8K.) Allocating additional blocks may therefore decrease the count of free inodes and vice versa.

If the argument to df is a special device name, then the corresponding file system need not be in a mounted state. If the argument is a directory, then df displays information for the file system containing that directory.


No cluster issues; command operates the same on cluster file systems.



Supported by the generic df command. See df(1M).

-F vxfs

Specifies the VxFS file system type.


Specifies VxFS file system-specific options. Only one suboption may be specified at a time.


Prints the number of free extents of each size. Free extents are always an integral power of two in length, ranging from a minimum of one block to the maximum extent size supported by the file system.


Reports the number of blocks and inodes used by the specified Storage Checkpoint.


Lists all Storage Checkpoints and reports the number of blocks and inodes are used by each.


Reports the number of free disk blocks on the specified snapshot file system.


Displays the values of devid, total_space, and free_space of individual volumes of a volume set.


Report the number of free disk blocks for mounted VXFS file systems and the number of free files:


Report the number of free extents of each size for all mounted VxFS file systems:

df -F vxfs -o s 

Report the number of free files for all mounted VxFS file systems:

df -F vxfs -e 

Report the total allocated block figures and the number of free blocks for all mounted file systems:

df -t 

Report the number of used and available blocks for the Storage Checkpoint named checkpoint1:

df -F vxfs -k -ockpt=ckpt1 /mnt
Filesystem                 kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol3:ckpt1 169944 8840 161104  6%     -

Report the number of used and available blocks for all Storage Checkpoints:

df -F vxfs -k -o ckptall /mnt
Filesystem                 kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol3:ckpt1 169944 8840 161104  6%     -
/dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol3:ckpt2 169944 8840 0       0%     -



File system devices.


File system devices.


Contains static information about file systems.


Table of mounted file systems.


df(1M), fsckptadm (1M), fs_vxfs (4), fstab(4), mnttab(4)
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation