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Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

VxFS Version 6 Disk Layout

VxFS disk layout Version 6 is similar to Version 5. Structural files in Version 6 are the same in Version 5. The Version 6 disk layout can theoretically support files and file systems up to 8 exabytes (263). For a file system to take advantage of VxFS 8-exabyte support, it must be created on a VERITAS Volume Manager volume, and only on a 64-bit kernel operating system. The maximum file system size on a 32-bit kernel is still one terabyte. For 64-bit kernels, the maximum size of the file system you can create depends on the block size:

Block Size Currently-Supported Maximum File System Size

1024 bytes

68,719,472,624 sectors    (ª 32 TB)

2048 bytes

137,438,945,248 sectors  (ª 64 TB)

4096 bytes

274,877,890,496 sectors  (ª 128 TB)

8192 bytes

549,755,780,992 sectors  (ª 256 TB)

Note: Sector size in bytes specified by the DEV_BSIZE system parameter.

If you specify the file system size when creating a file system, the block size defaults to the appropriate value as shown above. See the mkfs(1M) manual page for more information.

The Version 6 disk layout also supports group quotas (see Quota Files on VxFS).

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation