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Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Converting a UFS File System to VxFS

The vxfsconvert command can be used to convert a UFS file system to a VxFS file system.

How to Convert a File System

To convert a UFS file system, use the vxfsconvert command:

 vxfsconvert [-l logsize] [-s size] [-efnNvyY] special


Estimates the amount of space required to complete the conversion.


Displays the list of supported file system types.

-l logsize

Specifies the size of the file system intent log.


Assumes a no response to all questions asked by vxfsconvert.

-s size

Directs vxfsconvert to use free disk space past the current end of the file system to store VxFS metadata.


Specifies verbose mode.


Assumes a yes response to all questions asked by vxfsconvert.


See the vxfsconvert(1M) manual page for more information about converting a UFS file system to a VxFS file system.


To convert a UFS file system to a VxFS file system with an intent log size of 4096 blocks, enter:

 # vxfsconvert -l 4096 /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup/volume
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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation