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Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Identifying File System Types

Use the fstyp command to determine the file system type for a specified file system. This is useful when a file system was created elsewhere and you want to know its type.

How to Identify a File System

To determine the status of mounted file systems, use the syntax:

  fstyp -v special


The character (raw) device.


Specifies verbose mode.

See the following manual pages for more information about the fstyp command and its available options:



To find out what kind of file system is on the device /dev/vx/dsk/fsvol/vol1, enter:

 # fstyp -v /dev/vx/dsk/fsvol/vol1

The output indicates that the file system type is vxfs, and displays file system information similar to the following:

version: 6
f_bsize: 8192
f_frsize: 1024
f_blocks: 1027432
f_bfree: 1026075
f_bavail: 961946
f_files: 256548
f_ffree: 256516
f_favail: 256516
f_fsid: 520114176

f_basetype: vxfs
f_namemax: 254
f_magic: a501fcf5
f_featurebits: 0

 f_flag: 0
 f_fsindex: 7
 f_size: 4194304
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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation