Using Quick I/O with Oracle Databases
The following example shows how a file can be used by an Oracle database to create a tablespace. This command would be run by the Oracle DBA (typically user ID oracle):
$ qiomkfile -h headersize -s 100m /database/dbfile $ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba SQL> create tablespace ts1 datafile '/database/dbfile' size 100M; SQL> exit;
The following example shows how the file can be used by an Oracle database to create a tablespace. Oracle requires additional space for one Oracle header size. So in this example, although 100 MB was allocated to /database/dbfile, the Oracle database can use only up to 100 MB minus the Oracle parameter db_block_size.
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba SQL> create tablespace ts1 datafile '/database/dbfile' size 99M; SQL> exit;