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Product: File System Guides   
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Configuring Relocation Policies

Relocation policies define the files to move and the physical devices on which to locate the files. Policies are based on the following criteria:

  • A file's age, which is the time since it was last accessed or last modified
  • A file's size
  • A file's location in a directory structure
  • A file name pattern, such as the similarly named output files of an application or a common extension such as *.gif. All shell wild cards may be specified.
  • A file's source component volume
  • A file's destination component volume

If a file system has multiple component volumes, you can configure relocation policies. You configure policies using the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator (VEA) graphical user interface or using the command-line interface. See the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Getting Started guide and VEA online help for information on configuring QoSS using the VEA GUI.

Note   Note    The VRTSfppm package must be installed for the VERITAS Quality of Storage Service feature to operate.

Running fssweep

The fssweep command uses the following syntax:

 fssweep [–n count –s size –t time] [–p policy] [–r] [filesystem]

The fssweep utility traverses the directory structure of one or more file systems, selecting files that meet criteria specified in relocation policies. The fssweep utility writes either a list of selected file names and destination volumes, or a statistical summary of selected files, to standard output.

The list of volumes that can be used for file relocation is based on the destination component volumes defined by the QoSS configuration. By default, fssweep writes the files and destination volumes to standard output.

Command options let you specify criteria to select files to relocate.

The fssweep Command Options

Option Description

-n count

Sets a limit for the maximum number of files for the fsmove utility to relocate.

-p policy

Evaluates files based on the specified policy only. If not specified, fssweep evaluates files based on all configured policies.


Reports a statistical summary of files that can be relocated to standard output without actually relocating any files. The report is the same as the fsmove statistical summary.

-s size

Sets a limit for the cumulative size, in kilobytes, of all files for the fsmove utility to relocate.

-t time

Sets a limit for the cumulative time, in seconds, that fssweep runs.


Evaluates files only in the specified filesystem. If you do not specify filesystem, fssweep evaluates all multi-volume file systems defined in the configuration file, starting at their mount points.

Running fsmove

The fsmove command uses the following syntax:

 fsmove [destination path1 [path2,path3,...]

The fsmove utility relocates files to a destination component volume. The destination component volume and the files or directories are specified by the fssweep utility. The fsmove utility reads standard input and moves all files it reads from the output stream.

If you specify an optional destination and one or more path names, the fsmove utility moves the specified file or files to the destination component volume and exits. If you specify a directory, fsmove recursively searches through all files and subdirectories in the specified directory and moves them all to the specified destination component volume.

The fsmove Command Options

Option Description -n count Sets a limit for the maximum number of files for the fsmove utility to relocate. -p policy Evaluates files based on the specified policy only. If not specified, fssweep evaluates files based on all configured policies. -r Reports a statistical summary of files that can be relocated to standard output without actually relocating any files. The report is the same as the fsmove statistical summary. -s size Sets a limit for the cumulative size, in kilobytes, of all files for the fsmove utility to relocate. -t time Sets a limit for the cumulative time, in seconds, that fssweep runs. filesystem Evaluates files only in the specified filesystem. If you do not specify filesystem, fssweep evaluates all multi-volume file systems defined in the configuration file, starting at their mount points.
Option Description


Specifies a destination component volume for the specified file or directory.


Specifies directory or file names to relocate to a destination volume.

After the command completes processing, it writes a statistical summary with the following headings to standard output:

source_volume destination_volume   number_of_files_relocated   size_of_all_files_relocated
Option Description -n count Sets a limit for the maximum number of files for the fsmove utility to relocate. -p policy Evaluates files based on the specified policy only. If not specified, fssweep evaluates files based on all configured policies. -r Reports a statistical summary of files that can be relocated to standard output without actually relocating any files. The report is the same as the fsmove statistical summary. -s size Sets a limit for the cumulative size, in kilobytes, of all files for the fsmove utility to relocate. -t time Sets a limit for the cumulative time, in seconds, that fssweep runs. filesystem Evaluates files only in the specified filesystem. If you do not specify filesystem, fssweep evaluates all multi-volume file systems defined in the configuration file, starting at their mount points.
"> Option Description destination Specifies a destination component volume for the specified file or directory. path Specifies directory or file names to relocate to a destination volume.


The source component volume where the file originally resided.


The destination component volume to which to relocate the file.


The cumulative number of all files relocated.


The cumulative size of all files relocated.

Scheduling Example

You can use crontab to schedule file selection and relocation at specified intervals.

To schedule automatic relocations, run crontab to include an example such as the following in a crontab file. The example crontab file entry selects files eligible for relocation and moves them to destination component volumes. The relocation process occurs once every three days at 12:30 A.M.

30 0 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28 * * /opt/VRTS/bin/fssweep |


The first two fields specify the time to run the job. 30 0 is 12:30 A.M.

The next field defines how often to run the process. The list of digits is the days of the month on which to run. The first asterisk (*) specifies that the process runs every month. The second asterisk specifies that days of the week are not used as criteria for when to run. See the crontab(5) manual page for more information.

The last two fields specify the commands to run, which are the fssweep and fsmove commands.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation