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Product: File System Guides   
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Quality of Storage Service

The VERITAS File System allows the creation of a file system that spans multiple volumes, known as a multi-volume file system. The component volumes compose a volume set. See Multi-Volume File Systems for more information. On top of this basic capability is a set of services known as Quality of Storage Service (QoSS).

Using different volumes can enhance performance for applications that access specific types of files by managing where the types of files are located. For example, if you have files that are infrequently accessed, you can place them on slower media that is relatively inexpensive, but which has a slower access time.

You can configure policies that automatically relocate files from one volume to another, or you can relocate files by running file relocation commands. You can think of the QoSS as having two parts:

  • Relocation policies. Policies that you configure to determine which files to move to different component volume.
  • File relocation. The fssweep utility recursively examines a multi-volume file system searching for files that match configured relocation policies. After searching a file system, fssweep passes information about files that match policies to the fsmove utility. The fsmove utility reads a list of file names and locations that fssweep has created and relocates files based on that relocation list. These utilities are contained in the VRTSfspro package.

  • Note   Note    VERITAS Quality of Storage Service is a licensed feature. You must purchase a separate license key for QoSS to operate. See the VERITAS Storage Foundation Release Notes for current product information.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation