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Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Creating MVS File Systems

After a volume set is created, creating a VxFS file system is the same as creating a file system on a raw device or volume. You must specify the volume set name as an argument to mkfs as shown in the following example:

 # mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/rootdg/myvset
 version 6 layout
 327680 sectors, 163840 blocks of size 1024, log size 1024 blocks
 largefiles supported
Note   Note    MVS is available only on file systems using disk layout Version 6. See Appendix , Disk Layout for more information about disk layout versions.

After the file system is created, VxFS allocates space from the different volumes within the volume set. You can list the component volumes of the volume set using of the fsvoladm command:

 # mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/myvset /mnt1
 # fsvoladm list /mnt1
 devid   size              used          avail          name
 0     10240         1280          8960          vol1 
 1     51200         16          51184          vol2
 2     51200         16          51184          vol3
 3     51200         16          51184          vol4

To add a new volume, first add the volume to the volume set, then add it to the file system:

 # vxassist make vol5 50m
 # vxvset addvol myvset vol5
 # fsvoladm add /mnt1 vol5 50m                  
 # fsvoladm list /mnt1
 devid   size              used          avail          name
 0     10240         1300          8940          vol1 
 1     51200         16          51184          vol2
 2     51200         16          51184          vol3
 3     51200         16          51184          vol4
 4     51200         16          51184          vol5

A volume must be empty before you can remove it from the file system. With the exception of volume additions and deletions, file system commands operate the same on volumes within a volume set.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation