Application Page is Not Displayed in the Browser
The page cannot be displayed.
You may get this error message after you have specified the URL http://london:8443/vvr in the address field of your browser.
Determine if the client on which the browser is running has http and https connection to the server running VRTSweb.
C:\> ping london
Unknown host london.
The message Unknown host london. displays if there is no connection between the client and the server running VRTSweb.
Establish the connection and reconfigure the client so that the client can ping the VRTSweb server.
Determine the port numbers configured for use by VRTSweb.
# /opt/VRTSweb/bin/webgui listports
8181 http
8443 https
By default, VRTSweb is configured to use the port number 8181 (for HTTP) and 8443 (for HTTPS) as shown in the example.
Make sure that VRTSweb is running by issuing the following command:
# /opt/VRTSweb/bin/webgui listapps
Web server is offline
The message Web server is offline displays if the VRTSweb is not running. If the VRTSweb is offline, bring it online by starting VRW.
# /opt/VRTSvrw/bin/vrw start
Wait for VRTSweb to start and for the VVR application to be loaded.
Enter the URL using the port number that is displayed in step 2.