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Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Collecting Statistics of the VVR Components

You can configure VVR to collect statistics of the VVR components. The collected statistics can be used to monitor the system and diagnose problems with the VVR setup. VVR collects the statistics generated by the VVR commands vxrlink stats, vxrlink status and vxrvg stats for all the imported disk groups, and the system level commands netstat, vmstat, and vxmemstat. The output of these commands are stored in separate files.

By default, VVR collects the statistics automatically when the vradmind daemon starts. Configuring VVR to collect statistics according to your requirements involves modifying the values of the environment variables in the vras_env file, located in the /etc/vx/vras directory.

Note   Note    If the vradmind daemon is not running, VVR stops collecting the statistics.

  To configure VVR to collect statistics automatically

  1. Modify the default values for the environment variables specified in the vras_env located in the /etc/vx/vras directory file to suit your requirements. The following table provides information about the variables:
    Environment Variable Description


    Specifies whether you want the statistics collection to start automatically.

    Set VRAS_ENABLE_STATS=on to enable statistics collection. This is the default.

    Set VRAS_ENABLE_STATS=off to disable statistics collection.


    Specifies the frequency in seconds at which the statistics should be collected for the VVR commands, vxrlink stats, vxrlink status and vxrvg stats. By default, VRAS_STATS_FREQUENCY is set to 10 seconds.


    Specifies the time interval in seconds over which the statistics for the different network protocols should be collected. By default, VRAS_NETSTAT_FREQUENCY is set to 300 seconds.


    Specifies the time interval in seconds over which the memory and CPU utilization statistics should be collected. By default, VRAS_VMSTAT_FREQUENCY is set to 300 seconds.


    Specifies the number of days for which the collected statistics should be preserved. After this time the earlier statistics are automatically deleted. By default, VRAS_STATS_DAYS_LOG is set to three days.

  2. Restart the vradmind daemon by issuing the following command:

    /sbin/init.d/ stop 
    /sbin/init.d/ start 

    You can restart vradmind even while the application is active and replication is in progress.

Understanding How VVR Stores the Statistics

VVR stores the statistics collected for each of the commands, that is, vxmemstat, netstat, vmstat, vxrlink stats, vxrlink status and vxrvg stats in separate files that are stored in the /var/vx/vras/stats/ directory. Each file stores the statistics for a day and only those files for the period specified by the VRAS_STATS_DAYS_LOG variable are preserved. The earlier files are automatically deleted. VVR stores the statistics in files that are named using the following convention:

  • statsType_dgName_objectNstores the statistics of the VVR components collected by the commands vxrlink stats, vxrlink status and vxrvg stats.
  • statsType_hostname_datestores the system level statistics collected by the commands netstat, vmstat, and vxmemstat.

The data collected for the vxmemstat command is the same as that displayed by the vxmemstat -e command.

The output collected for the vxrlink stats command is a combination of the fields displayed by the vxrlink -e stats command and the vxrlink stats command. Using network performance data the output of vxrlink stats is displayed under the following headings. For more information, see Getting and Using Network Performance Data (vxrlink stats).


The fields displayed under this heading are the same as those displayed by the
vxrlink stats command, with the exception of an additional field Blocks (ACKed). This field displays information about the number of transmitted blocks that have been acknowledged.


Most of the fields under this heading are similar to those displayed by the
vxrlink -e stats command; however, some of the field names are different. The following table provides the mapping:

Fields in the vxrlink stats command when vradmind collects the statistics Fields in the vxrlink -e stats command


No memory available


No message slots available


No memory available in nmcom pool on Secondary




Missing packet


Missing message






Unable to deliver due to transaction

Flow control

The fields displayed under this heading are the same as those displayed by the vxrlink stats command. For more information on the vxrlink stats command, see Getting and Using Network Performance Data (vxrlink stats).

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Product: Volume Replicator Guides  
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation