Make sure the application service group is configured with an HTC resource.
Make sure that the infrastructure to take snapshots is properly configured between the source and target arrays. This involves creating the Shadow Image pairs.
When using Gold or Silver configuration, make sure you have ShadowImage for HTC installed and configured at the target array.
For the Gold configuration, you must use VERITAS Volume Manager to import and deport the storage.
The Silver configuration can only be used with ShadowImage pairs created with the -m noread flag to the paircreate command. A fire drill uses the -E flag to split the pairs, which requires a 100% resynchronization, since this is the only mode that preserves the snapshots as noread after a split.
The name of the ShadowImage device group must be the same as the replicated device group for both replicated and non replicated LUNs that are to be snapshot; the instance number may be different.
Make sure the HORC instance managing the S-VOLs runs continuously; the agent does not start this instance.
For non-replicated devices:
- You must use VERITAS Volume Manager
- You must use the Gold configuration without the option to run in the Bronze mode. This means the RequireSnapshot attribute must be set to 1.