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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide   

Configuring the Service Group From the Command Line

The VCS enterprise agent for Sybase comes with a sample configuration file that can be used as reference to directly modify your present configuration file. This method requires you to restart VCS before the configuration takes effect.

  To configure a service group from the command line

  1. Log in to a cluster system as root.
  2. Make sure the Sybase type definition is imported into VCS engine. See Importing the File for instructions.
  3. Edit the file. Use the file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_sybase/ for reference:
    1. Create a Sybase service group.
    2. Create the Sybase and SybaseBk resources. Refer to the type definitions under Sybase Resource Type and SybaseBk Resource Type.
    3. Edit the default attributes to match the parameters in your configuration.

    4. Caution  Caution    For added security, you must always provide a secure value for passwords See Encrypting Passwords for instructions on setting secure passwords.
    5. Assign dependencies to the newly created resources. Refer to the sample file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_sybase/ (See the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for more information on assigning dependencies.)
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Verify the syntax of the file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
     # hacf -verify config
  6. Start the VCS engine:
     # hastart
  7. Verify all Sybase service group resources are brought online:
     # hagrp -state
  8. Take the service group offline and verify that all resources are stopped:
      # hagrp -offline <service_group> -sys <system_name>
      # hagrp -state
  9. Bring the service group online again and verify that all resources are available:
      # hagrp -online <service_group> -sys <system_name>
      # hagrp -state
  10. Start the VCS engine on sysb:
      # hastart
  11. Switch the Sybase service group to sysb:
      # hagrp -switch <service_group> -to <system_name>
  12. Verify that all Sybase service group resources are brought online on sysb:
      # hagrp -state
  13. On all systems, look at the following log files for any errors or status:
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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation