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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Hitachi TrueCopy Installation and Configuration Guide   

Replication Link Failure

Hitachi arrays send an alert in the following situations:

  • When a replication link failure is detected
  • When any P-VOLs, on which data has been written, transition from the PAIR state to the PSUE state.

In fence levels never and async, a replication link failure does not compromise the application's ability to write to its local devices; the arrays start tracking changed regions on disk in preparation for resynchronization when the link is restored.

The devices do not automatically resynchronize when the link is restored, nor do they change state once the restoration is detected. An administrator can resynchronize the devices, either from the command line or by running a configured action using the agent's action entry point. The following situations require administrative action after a link failure is repaired. These actions depend on the fence level and any events that may have occurred during the failure.

Event Fence Level Recommended Action

Link fails and is restored, but application does not fail over

never, async

Run the pairresync action to resynchronize the S-VOLs

Link fails and application fails to the S-VOL side

never, async, or data

Run the pairresync-swaps action to promote the S-VOLs to P-VOLs and resynchronize the original P-VOLs.

Application faults due to I/O errors


Run the localtakeover action to write-enable the local devices. Clear faults and restart service group.

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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Hitachi TrueCopy Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation