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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide   

Configuring Sybase for Detail Monitoring

This section describes the tasks to be performed for configuring a Sybase server to be monitored in detail. For more information about detail monitoring, see Setting Up Detail Monitoring for Sybase Agent.

Note   Note    The steps described here are specific to the sample script,, provided with the agent. If you will use a custom script for detail monitoring, you must configure the Sybase database accordingly.

  To set up Sybase for detail monitoring

Perform these steps only once in a Sybase cluster.

  1. Start the Sybase server.
  2. Start the Sybase client on any cluster node.
    isql -Usa

    Enter the administrator password when prompted to do so.

  3. Connect to the master database.
    1> use master
    2> go
  4. Create a Sybase user account.
    1> sp_addlogin <user_name><password>
    2> go

    The detail monitor script should use this account to make transactions on the database.

  5. Create a database.
    1> create database <database_name>
    2> go

    The detail monitor script should make transactions on this database.

  6. If required, restrict the size of the log file for the database.
    1> sp_dboption <database_name>, "trunc log on chkpt", true
    2> go
  7. Connect to the database created in step 5.
    1> use <database_name>
    2> go
  8. Associate the user created in step 4 with the database created in step 5.
    1> sp_adduser vcsuser
    2> go
  9. Change the user to the one created in step 4.
    1> setuser "user_name"
    2> go
  10. Create a table in the database.
    1> create table <table_name> (lastupd datetime)
    2> go

    The detail monitor script should make transactions on this table.

    Note   Note    If you will use the for detail monitoring, make sure you create a table with a lastupd field of type datetime.
  11. Verify the configuration by adding an initial value to the table.
    1> insert into <table_name> (lastupd) values (getdate())
    2> go
  12. Exit the database.
    1> exit
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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Sybase Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation