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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide   

Handling Oracle Error Codes During Detail Monitoring

The VCS enterprise agent for Oracle comes with enhanced handling of Oracle errors during detail monitoring. The agent classifies Oracle errors according to their severity and associates predefined actions with each error code.

The agent includes a reference file called oraerror.dat, which lists Oracle errors and the action to be taken when the error is encountered.

The file stores information in the following format:


For example:


The agent supports the following actions:

Action Description


Ignores the error.


Marks the resource state as UNKNOWN and sends a notification if the Notifier resource is configured. See the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for more information about VCS notification.

This action is typically associated with configuration errors or program interface errors.


Marks the resource state as ONLINE and sends a notification if the Notifier resource is configured.

This action is typically associated with errors due to exceeded quota limits, session limits/restricted sessions so on.



Marks the resource state as OFFLINE. This faults the service group, which fails over to the next available system.

This is agent's default behavior. If the file oraerror.dat is not available, the agent assumes this default behavior for every Oracle error encountered.


Freezes the service group temporarily and marks the resource state as OFFLINE. The agent also sends a notification if the Notifier resource is configured.

This action is typically associated with errors that are not system-specific. For example, if a database does not open from a node due to corrupt Oracle files, failing it over to another node will not help.

Handling Attribute of Type Password

User passwords used for detail monitoring of the Oracle database are no longer 'clear-text'. The Oracle agent supports encryption of user passwords. See Encrypting Passwords for further information.

Configuring 'listener' passwords is introduced in the Netlsnr agent. This password is considered for querying the status of the listener and stopping the listener. This password is also encrypted. See Encrypting Passwords for further information.

Info Entry Point

The VCS enterprise agent for Oracle supports the Info entry point, which provides static and dynamic information about the state of the database.

The entry point retrieves the following static information:

  • Version
  • InstanceNo
  • InstanceName
  • DatabaseName
  • HostName
  • StartupTime
  • Parallel
  • Thread
  • InstanceRole

The entry point retrieves the following dynamic information:

  • InstanceStatus
  • Logins
  • OpenMode
  • LogMode
  • ShutdownPending
  • DatabaseStatus
  • TotalDBfileSize
  • FreeDBfileSize
  • Shared Pool Percent free
  • Buffer Hits Percent

You can add additional attributes by adding sql statements to the file $VCS_HOME/bin/Oracle/resinfo.sql. For example:

select 'static:HostName:'||host_name from v$instance;
select 'dynamic:ShutdownPending:'||shutdown_pending from v$instance;

The format of the selected record must be as follows:


The variable attribute_type can take the value static and/or dynamic.

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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation