Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide Release 9.2 Part Number A97269-01 |
This chapter tells you how to run the Pro*C/C++ precompiler, and describes the extensive set of precompiler options in detail. This chapter contains the following topics:
The location of the precompiler differs from system to system. The system or database administrator usually defines logicals or aliases, or uses other system-specific means to make the Pro*C/C++ executable accessible.
To run the Pro*C/C++ precompiler, you issue the following command:
proc option=value...
Note: The option value is always separated from the option name by an equals sign, with no whitespace around the equals sign. |
For example, the command
proc INAME=test_proc
precompiles the file test_proc.pc
in the current directory, since the precompiler assumes that the filename extension is pc
. The INAME=argument specifies the source file to be precompiled. The INAME option does not have to be the first option on the command line, but if it is, you can omit the option specification. So, the command
proc myfile
is equivalent to
proc INAME=myfile
In general, you can use either uppercase or lowercase for precompiler option names and values. However, if your operating system is case sensitive, like UNIX, you must specify filename values, including the name of the Pro*C/C++ executable, using the correct combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Precompiler options enable you to control how resources are used, how errors are reported, how input and output are formatted, and how cursors are managed.
The value of an option is a literal, which represents text or numeric values. For example, for the option
... INAME=my_test
the value is a string literal that specifies a filename.
the value is numeric.
Some options take Boolean values, and you can represent these with the strings yes or no, true or false, or with the integer literals 1 or 0 respectively. For example, the option
is equivalent to
all of which mean that SELECT errors should be flagged at run time.
A configuration file is a text file that contains precompiler options. Each record (line) in the file contains only one option, with its associated value or values. Any options entered on a line after the first option are ignored. For example, the following configuration file contains the lines:
to set defaults for the FIPS, MODE, and CODE options.
There is a single system configuration file for each installation. The name of the system configuration file is pcscfg.cfg
. The location of the file is system specific.
Each Pro*C/C++ user can have one or more private configuration files. The name of the configuration file must be specified using the CONFIG= precompiler option.
Note: You cannot nest configuration files. This means that CONFIG= is not a valid option inside a configuration file. |
The value of an option is determined, in increasing precedence, by:
For example, the option MAXOPENCURSORS specifies the maximum number of cached open cursors. The built-in precompiler default value for this option is 10. However, if MAXOPENCURSORS=32 is specified in the system configuration file, the default now becomes 32. The user configuration file could set it to yet another value, which then overrides the system configuration value. Finally, an inline specification takes precedence over all preceding defaults.
Some options, such as USERID, do not have a precompiler default value. The built-in default values for options that do have them are listed in Table 10-2.
Note: Check your system-specific documentation for the precompiler default values; they may have been changed from the values in this chapter for your platform. |
See Also:
You can interactively determine the current value for one or more options by using a question mark on the command line. For example, if you issue the command
proc ?
the complete set of options, along with their current values, is printed to your terminal. (On a UNIX system running the C shell, escape the '?' with a backslash.) In this case, the values are those built into the precompiler, overridden by any values in the system configuration file. But if you issue the command
proc config=my_config_file.h ?
and there is a file named my_config_file.h
in the current directory, all options are listed. Values in the user configuration file supply missing values, and supersede values built-in to the Pro*C/C++ precompiler, or values specified in the system configuration file.
You can also determine the current value of a single option, by simply specifying that option name, followed by =?. For example:
proc maxopencursors=?
prints the current default value for the MAXOPENCURSORS option.
will give a short summary that resembles Table 10-2, " Precompiler Options".
The option MODE controls several options at once. MODE is known as a macro option. Some newer options such as CLOSE_ON_COMMIT, DYNAMIC and TYPE_CODE control only one function and are known as micro options. A macro option has precedence over micro options only if the macro option is at a higher level of precedence. See "Precedence of Option Values".
The following table lists the values of micro options set by the macro option values:
Macro Option | Micro Option |
If you specify both MODE=ANSI and CLOSE_ON_COMMIT=NO in the user configuration file, then cursors will not be closed after a COMMIT. If you specify MODE=ORACLE in your configuration file and CLOSE_ON_COMMIT=YES on the command line, then the cursors will be closed.
During precompilation, Pro*C/C++ generates C or C++ code that replaces the SQL statements embedded in your host program. The generated code contains data structures that indicate the datatype, length, and address of host variables, as well as other information required by the runtime library, SQLLIB. The generated code also contains the calls to SQLLIB routines that perform the embedded SQL operations.
Table 10-2 is a quick reference to the major precompiler options. The options that are accepted, but do not have any affect, are not included in this table.
See Also:
A precompilation unit is a file containing C code and one or more embedded SQL statements. The options specified for a given precompilation unit affect only that unit; they have no effect on other units. For example, if you specify HOLD_CURSOR=YES and RELEASE_CURSOR=YES for unit A, but not for unit B, SQL statements in unit A run with these HOLD_CURSOR and RELEASE_CURSOR values, but SQL statements in unit B run with the default values.
Table 10-2 is a quick reference to the Pro*C/C++ options. Options marked with an asterisk can be entered inline.
You can enter any precompiler option in the command line. Many can also be entered inline in the precompiler program source file, using the EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement.
You enter precompiler options in the command line using the following syntax:
... [OPTION_NAME=value] [OPTION_NAME=value] ...
Separate each option=value specification with one or more spaces. For example, you might enter the following:
You enter options inline by coding EXEC ORACLE statements, using the following syntax:
For example, you might code the following:
The EXEC ORACLE feature is especially useful for changing option values during precompilation. For example, you might want to change HOLD_CURSOR and RELEASE_CURSOR on a statement-by-statement basis.
See Also:
Appendix C, "Performance Tuning" shows you how to optimize runtime performance using inline options. |
Specifying options inline or in a configuration file is also helpful if your operating system limits the number of characters you can enter on the command line.
An EXEC ORACLE statement stays in effect until textually superseded by another EXEC ORACLE statement specifying the same option. In the following example, HOLD_CURSOR=NO stays in effect until superseded by HOLD_CURSOR=YES:
char emp_name[20]; int emp_number, dept_number; float salary; EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO break; EXEC ORACLE OPTION (HOLD_CURSOR=NO); EXEC SQL DECLARE emp_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT empno, deptno FROM emp; EXEC SQL OPEN emp_cursor; printf( "Employee Number Department\n--------------------------\n"); for (;;) { EXEC SQL FETCH emp_cursor INTO :emp_number, :dept_number; printf("%d\t%d\n", emp_number, dept_number); } EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND CONTINUE; for (;;) { printf("Employee number: "); scanf("%d", &emp_number); if (emp_number == 0) break; EXEC ORACLE OPTION (HOLD_CURSOR=YES); EXEC SQL SELECT ename, sal INTO :emp_name, :salary FROM emp WHERE empno = :emp_number; printf("Salary for %s is %6.2f.\n", emp_name, salary);
This section is organized for easy reference. It lists the precompiler options alphabetically, and for each option gives its purpose, syntax, and default value. Usage notes that help you understand how the option works are also provided.
Allows automatic connection to the CLUSTER$ account.
Can be entered only on the command line or in a configuration file.
If AUTO_CONNECT=YES, and the application is not already connected to a database when it processes the first executable SQL statement, it attempts to connect using the userid
where username is your current operating system user or task name and CLUSTER$username is a valid Oracle userid.
When AUTO_CONNECT=NO, you must use the CONNECT statement in your program to connect to Oracle.
Specifies the default mapping of C host variables of type char or char[n], and pointers to them, into SQL.
Before release 8.0, you had to declare char or char[n] host variables as CHAR, using the SQL DECLARE statement. The external datatypes VARCHAR2 and CHARZ were the default character mappings of Oracle7.
See Also:
Specifies whether or not to close all cursors on a commit statement.
Can be used only on the command line or in a configuration file.
If MODE is specified at a higher level than CLOSE_ON_COMMIT, then MODE takes precedence. For example, the defaults are MODE=ORACLE and CLOSE_ON_COMMIT=NO. If the user specifies MODE=ANSI on the command line, then any cursors will be closed on commit.
Issuing a COMMIT or ROLLBACK closes all explicit cursors. (When MODE=ORACLE, a commit or rollback closes only cursors referenced in a CURRENT OF clause.)
See Also:
Specifies the format of C function prototypes generated by the Pro*C/C++ precompiler. (A function prototype declares a function and the datatypes of its arguments.) The precompiler generates function prototypes for SQL library routines, so that your C compiler can resolve external references. The CODE option lets you control the prototyping.
Can be entered on the command line, but not inline.
ANSI C standard X3.159-1989 provides for function prototyping. When CODE=ANSI_C, Pro*C/C++ generates full function prototypes, which conform to the ANSI C standard. An example follows:
extern void sqlora(long *, void *);
The precompiler can also generate other ANSI-approved constructs such as the const type qualifier.
When CODE=KR_C (the default), the precompiler comments out the argument lists of generated function prototypes, as shown here:
extern void sqlora(/*_ long *, void * _*/);
Specify CODE=KR_C if your C compiler is not compliant with the X3.159 standard.
When CODE=CPP, the precompiler generates C++ compatible code.
See Also:
"Code Generation" for all of the consequences of using this option value. |
Indicates to the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler whether multibyte character sets are (or are not) supported by the compiler to be used. It is intended for use by developers working in a multibyte client-side environment (for example, when NLS_LANG is set to a multibyte character set).
Can be entered only on the command line.
With COMP_CHARSET=MULTI_BYTE (default), Pro*C/C++ generates C code that is to be compiled by a compiler that supports multibyte character sets.
With COMP_CHARSET=SINGLE_BYTE, Pro*C/C++ generates C code for single-byte compilers that addresses a complication that may arise from the ASCII equivalent of a backslash (\) character in the second byte of a double-byte character in a multibyte string. In this case, the backslash (\) character is "escaped" with another backslash character preceding it.
Note: The need for this feature is common when developing in a Shift-JIS environment with older C compilers. |
This option has no effect when NLS_LANG is set to a single-byte character set.
Specifies the name of a user configuration file.
Can be entered only on the command line.
This option is the only way you can inform Pro*C/C++ of the name and location of user configuration files.
The CPP_SUFFIX option provides the ability to specify the filename extension that the precompiler appends to the C++ output file generated when the CODE=CPP option is specified.
Most C compilers expect a default extension of ".c" for their input files. Different C++ compilers, however, can expect different filename extensions. The CPP_SUFFIX option provides the ability to specify the filename extension that the precompiler generates. The value of this option is a string, without the quotes or the period. For example, CPP_SUFFIX=cc, or CPP_SUFFIX=C.
Specifies whether Oracle follows the semantic and syntactic rules of Oracle9i, Oracle8i, Oracle8, Oracle7, or the native version of Oracle (that is, the version to which the application is connected).
Can be entered only on the command line, or in a configuration file.
The DBMS option lets you control the version-specific behavior of Oracle. When DBMS=NATIVE (the default), Oracle follows the semantic and syntactic rules of the database version to which the application is connected.
When DBMS=V8, or DBMS=V7, Oracle follows the respective rules for Oracle9i (which remain the same as for Oracle7, Oracle8, and Oracle8i).
V6_CHAR is not supported in Oracle9i and its functionality is provided by the precompiler option CHAR_MAP.
Controls whether the Pro*C/C++ precompiler generates #define's for SQLCODE.
Can be used only on the command line or in a configuration file.
When DEF_SQLCODE=YES, the precompiler defines SQLCODE in the generated source code as follows:
#define SQLCODE sqlca.sqlcode
You can then use SQLCODE to check the results of executable SQL statement. The DEF_SQLCODE option is supplied for compliance with standards that require the use of SQLCODE.
In addition, you must also include the SQLCA using one of the following entries in your source code:
#include <sqlca.h>
If the SQLCA is not included, using this option causes a precompile time error.
Defines a name that can be used in #ifdef and #ifndef Pro*C/C++ precompiler directives. The defined name can also be used by the EXEC ORACLE IFDEF and EXEC ORACLE IFNDEF statements.
Can be entered on the command line or inline. You can only use DEFINE to define a name--you cannot define macros with it. For example, the following use of define is not valid:
proc my_prog DEFINE=LEN=20
Using DEFINE in the correct way, you could do
proc my_prog DEFINE=XYZZY
And then in my_prog.pc, code
#ifdef XYZZY ... #else ... #endif
Or, you could just as well code
The following example is invalid:
EXEC ORACLE conditional statements are valid only if the macro is defined using EXEC ORACLE DEFINE or the DEFINE option.
If you define a name using DEFINE=, and then conditionally include (or exclude) a code section using the Pro*C/C++ precompiler #ifdef (or #ifndef) directives, you must also make sure that the name is defined when you run the C compiler. For example, for UNIX cc
, you must use the -D option to define the name.
Sets the pin duration used by subsequent EXEC SQL OBJECT CREATE and EXEC SQL OBJECT DEREF statements. Objects in the cache are implicitly unpinned at the end of the duration.
Can be entered inline by use of the EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement.
TRANSACTION means that objects are implicitly unpinned when the transaction completes.
SESSION means that objects are implicitly unpinned when the connection is terminated.
This micro option specifies the descriptor behavior in dynamic SQL Method 4. The setting of MODE determines the setting of DYNAMIC.
Cannot be entered inline by use of the EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement.
See the DYNAMIC option settings in Table 14-2.
Specifies whether error messages are sent to the terminal as well as the listing file (YES), or just to the listing file (NO).
Can be entered only on the command line, or in a configuration file.
Specifies an output file in which errors generated in processing type files are written. If omitted, errors are output to the screen. See also "INTYPE".
Only one error file will be produced. If multiple values are entered, the last one is used by the precompiler.
Specifies whether extensions to ANSI SQL are flagged (by the FIPS Flagger). An extension is any SQL element that violates ANSI format or syntax rules, except privilege enforcement rules.
FIPS={SQL89 | SQL2 | YES | NO}
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
When FIPS=YES, the FIPS Flagger is enabled, and warning (not error) messages are issued if you use an Oracle extension to ANSI SQL, or use an ANSI SQL feature in a nonconforming manner. Extensions to ANSI SQL that are flagged at precompile time include the following:
Permits precompiled header files. Specifies the file extension for precompiled header files.
When precompiling a header file, this option is required and is used to specify the file extension for the output file that is created by precompiling that header file.
When precompiling an ordinary Pro*C/C++ program this option is optional. When given, it enables the use of the precompiled header mechanism during the precompilation of that Pro*C/C++ program.
In both cases, this option also specifies the file extension to use when processing a #include directive. If an #include file exists with the specified extension, Pro*C/C++ assumes the file is a precompiled header file previously generated by Pro*C/C++. Pro*C/C++ will then instantiate the data from that file rather than process the #include directive and precompile the included header file.
This option is only allowed on the command line or in a configuration file. It is not allowed inline. When using this option, specify the file extension only. Do not include any file separators. For example, do not include a period `.' in the extension.
Specifies how the cursors for SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks are handled in the cursor cache.
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
You can use HOLD_CURSOR to improve the performance of your program. See also Appendix C, "Performance Tuning"
When a SQL data manipulation statement is executed, its associated cursor is linked to an entry in the cursor cache. The cursor cache entry is in turn linked to an Oracle private SQL area, which stores information needed to process the statement. HOLD_CURSOR controls what happens to the link between the cursor and cursor cache.
When HOLD_CURSOR=NO, after Oracle executes the SQL statement and the cursor is closed, the precompiler marks the link as reusable. The link is reused as soon as the cursor cache entry to which it points is needed for another SQL statement. This frees memory allocated to the private SQL area and releases parse locks.
When HOLD_CURSOR=YES, the link is maintained; the precompiler does not reuse it. This is useful for SQL statements that are often executed because it speeds up subsequent executions and there is no need to re-parse the statement or allocate memory for an Oracle private SQL area.
For inline use with implicit cursors, set HOLD_CURSOR before executing the SQL statement. For inline use with explicit cursors, set HOLD_CURSOR before CLOSEing the cursor.
RELEASE_CURSOR=YES overrides HOLD_CURSOR=YES and HOLD_CURSOR=NO overrides RELEASE_CURSOR=NO. For information showing how these two options interact, see Table C-1.
Specifies the name of the input file.
Can be entered only on the command line.
All input file names must be unique at precompilation time.
You can omit the filename extension if it is .pc
. If the input filename is the first option on the command line, you can omit the INAME= part of the option. For example:
proc sample1 MODE=ansi
to precompile the file sample1.pc
, using ANSI mode. This command is the same as
proc INAME=sample1 MODE=ansi
Specifies a directory path for files included using the #include or EXEC SQL INCLUDE directives.
INCLUDE=pathname or INCLUDE=(path_1,path_2,...,path_n)
Current directory and paths built into Pro*C/C++.
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
You use INCLUDE to specify a directory path for included files. The precompiler searches directories in the following order:
You normally do not need to specify a directory path for Oracle-specific header files such as sqlca.h
and sqlda.h
Note: If you specify an Oracle-specific filename without an extension for inclusion, Pro*C/C++ assumes an extension of .h
. So, included files should have an extension, even if it is not .h
For all other header files, the precompiler does not assume a .h
You must still use INCLUDE to specify directory paths for non-standard files, unless they are stored in the current directory. You can specify more than one path on the command line, as follows:
... INCLUDE=path_1 INCLUDE=path_2 ...
Note: If the file you want to include resides in another directory, make sure that there is no file with the same name in the current directory. |
The syntax for specifying a directory path using the INCLUDE option is system specific. Follow the conventions used for your operating system
Specifies one or more OTT-generated type files (only needed if Object types are used in the application).
There will be one type file for each Object type in the Pro*C/C++ code.
Specifies whether the Pro*C/C++ precompiler adds #line preprocessor directives to its output file.
Can be entered only on the command line.
The LINES option helps with debugging.
When LINES=YES, the Pro*C/C++ precompiler adds #line preprocessor directives to its output file.
Normally, your C compiler increments its line count after each input line is processed. The #line directives force the compiler to reset its input line counter so that lines of precompiler-generated code are not counted. Moreover, when the name of the input file changes, the next #line directive specifies the new filename.
The C compiler uses the line numbers and filenames to show the location of errors. Thus, error messages issued by the C compiler always refer to your original source files, not the modified (precompiled) source file. This also enables stepping through the original source code using most debuggers.
When LINES=NO (the default), the precompiler adds no #line directives to its output file.
Note: The Pro*C/C++ precompiler does not support the #line directive. This means that you cannot directly code #line directives in the precompiler source. But you can still use the LINES= option to have the precompiler insert #line directives for you. See also "Directives Ignored". |
Specifies the name of the listing file.
Can be entered only on the command line.
The default filename extension for the listing file is .lis
Specifies the type of listing file generated.
Can be entered on the command line or in a configuration file.
When a listing file is generated, the LONG format is the default. With LTYPE=LONG specified, all of the source code is listed as it is parsed and messages listed as they are generated. In addition, the Pro*C/C++ options currently in effect are listed.
With LTYPE=SHORT specified, only the generated messages are listed--no source code--with line references to the source file to help you locate the code that generated the message condition.
With LTYPE=NONE specified, no list file is produced unless the LNAME option explicitly specifies a name for a list file. Under the latter condition, the list file is generated with LTYPE=LONG assumed.
Specifies the maximum length of string literals generated by the precompiler, so that compiler limits are not exceeded.
MAXLITERAL=integer, range is 10 to 1024
Cannot be entered inline.
The maximum value of MAXLITERAL is compiler dependent. For example, some C compilers cannot handle string literals longer than 512 characters, so you would specify MAXLITERAL=512.
Strings that exceed the length specified by MAXLITERAL are divided during precompilation, then recombined (concatenated) at run time.
You can enter MAXLITERAL inline but your program can set its value only once, and the EXEC ORACLE statement must precede the first EXEC SQL statement. Otherwise, Pro*C/C++ issues a warning message, ignores the extra or misplaced EXEC ORACLE statement, and continues processing.
Specifies the number of concurrently open cursors that the precompiler tries to keep cached.
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
You can use MAXOPENCURSORS to improve the performance of your program. When precompiling separately, use MAXOPENCURSORS. MAXOPENCURSORS specifies the initial size of the SQLLIB cursor cache.
When an implicit statement is executed and HOLD_CURSOR=NO, or an explicit cursor is closed, the cursor entry is marked as reusable. If this statement is issued again and the cursor entry has not been used for another statement, it is reused.
If a new cursor is needed and the number of cursors allocated is less than MAXOPENCURSORS, then the next one in the cache is allocated. Once MAXOPENCCURSORS has been exceeded Oracle first tries to reuse a previous entry. If there are no free entries, then an additional cache entry will be allocated. Oracle will continue to do this until the program runs out of memory or the database parameter OPEN_CURSORS is exceeded.
During normal processing, when using HOLD_CURSOR=NO and RELEASE_CURSOR=NO (the default), it is advisable to set MAXOPENCURSORS to no more than 6 less than the database parameter OPEN_CURSORS to allow for the cursors used by the data dictionary to process statements.
As your program's need for concurrently open cursors grows, you might want to respecify MAXOPENCURSORS to match the need. A value of 45 to 50 is not uncommon, but remember that each cursor requires another private SQL area in the user process memory space. The default value of 10 is adequate for most programs.
Specifies whether your program observes Oracle practices or complies with the current ANSI/ISO SQL standards.
Can be entered only on the command line or in a configuration file.
In the context of this option ISO is equivalent to ANSI.
When MODE=ORACLE (the default), your embedded SQL program observes Oracle practices. For example, a Declare Section is optional, and blanks are stripped.
When MODE=ANSI, your program complies fully with the ANSI SQL standard, and the following changes go into effect:
Specifies which C host character variables are treated by the precompiler as multibyte character variables.
NLS_CHAR=varname or NLS_CHAR=(var_1,var_2,...,var_n)
Can be entered only on the command line, or in a configuration file.
This option provides the ability to specify at precompile time a list of the names of one or more host variables that the precompiler must treat as multibyte character variables. You can specify only C char variables or Pro*C/C++ VARCHARs using this option.
If you specify in the option list a variable that is not declared in your program, then the precompiler generates no error.
Determines whether multibyte character set conversions are performed by the precompiler runtime library, SQLLIB, or by the database server.
When set to YES, local multibyte support is provided by Pro*C/C++ and the SQLLIB library. The option NLS_CHAR must be used to indicate which C host variables are multibyte.
When set to NO, Pro*C/C++ will use the database server support for multibyte objects. Set NLS_LOCAL to NO for all new applications.
Environment variable NLS_NCHAR must be set to a valid fixed-width National Character Set. Variable-width National Character Sets are not supported.
Can be entered only on the command line, or in a configuration file.
Requests support for object types.
Can only be entered in the command line.
Specifies the name of the output file. The output file is the C code file that the precompiler generates.
INAME with a .c extension.
Can be entered only on the command line. Use this option to specify the full path name of the output file, where the path name differs from that of the input (.pc
) file. For example, if you issue the command:
proc iname=my_test
the default output filename is my_test.c
. If you want the output filename to be my_test_1.c
, issue the command
proc iname=my_test oname=my_test_1.c
You should add the .c
extension to files specified using ONAME because one is not added by default.
Specifies whether a program can use the Oracle Communications Area (ORACA).
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
When ORACA=YES, you must place either the EXEC SQL INCLUDE ORACA or #include oraca.h
statement in your program.
Specifies the number of lines for each physical page of the listing file.
Cannot be entered inline. The value range allowed is 30..256..
Specifies the way that the Pro*C/C++ precompiler parses the source file.
To generate C++ compatible code, the PARSE option must be either NONE or PARTIAL.
If PARSE=NONE or PARSE=PARTIAL, all host variables must be declared inside a Declare Section. See
The variable SQLCODE must also be declared inside a declare section, or it cannot be relied on to detect errors. Check the default value of PARSE for your platform.
If PARSE=FULL, the C parser is used, and it does not understand C++ constructs, such as classes, in your code.
With PARSE=FULL or PARSE=PARTIAL Pro*C/C++ fully supports C preprocessor directives, such as #define, #ifdef, and so on. However, with PARSE=NONE conditional preprocessing is supported by EXEC ORACLE statements.
Note: Some platforms have the default value of PARSE as other than FULL. See your system-dependent documentation. |
See Also:
Use this option to speed up queries by pre-fetching a number of rows.
Can be used in a configuration file or on the command-line. The value of the integer is used for execution of all queries using explicit cursors, subject to the rules of precedence.
When used in-line it must placed before OPEN statements with explicit cursors. Then the number of rows pre-fetched when that OPEN is done is determined by the last in-line PREFETCH option in effect.
The value range allowed is 0.. 65535.
Specifies how the cursors for SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks are handled in the cursor cache.
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
You can use RELEASE_CURSOR to improve the performance of your program.
When a SQL data manipulation statement is executed, its associated cursor is linked to an entry in the cursor cache. The cursor cache entry is in turn linked to an Oracle private SQL area, which stores information needed to process the statement. RELEASE_CURSOR controls what happens to the link between the cursor cache and private SQL area.
When RELEASE_CURSOR=YES, after Oracle executes the SQL statement and the cursor is closed, the precompiler immediately removes the link. This frees memory allocated to the private SQL area and releases parse locks. To make sure that associated resources are freed when you CLOSE a cursor, you must specify RELEASE_CURSOR=YES.
When RELEASE_CURSOR=NO, the link is maintained. The precompiler does not reuse the link unless the number of open cursors exceeds the value of MAXOPENCURSORS. This is useful for SQL statements that are often executed because it speeds up subsequent executions. There is no need to re-parse the statement or allocate memory for an Oracle private SQL area.
For inline use with implicit cursors, set RELEASE_CURSOR before executing the SQL statement. For inline use with explicit cursors, set RELEASE_CURSOR before CLOSEing the cursor.
RELEASE_CURSOR=YES overrides HOLD_CURSOR=YES. For a table showing how these two options interact, see Appendix C, "Performance Tuning".
Specifies whether your program generates an error when a SELECT statement returns more than one row, or more rows than a host array can accommodate.
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
When SELECT_ERROR=YES, an error is generated when a single-row SELECT returns too many rows, or when an array SELECT returns more rows than the host array can accommodate. The result of the SELECT is indeterminate.
When SELECT_ERROR=NO, no error is generated when a single-row SELECT returns too many rows, or when an array SELECT returns more rows than the host array can accommodate.
Whether you specify YES or NO, a random row is selected from the table. The only way to ensure a specific ordering of rows is to use the ORDER BY clause in your SELECT statement. When SELECT_ERROR=NO and you use ORDER BY, Oracle returns the first row, or the first n rows when you are SELECTing into an array. When SELECT_ERROR=YES, whether or not you use ORDER BY, an error is generated when too many rows are returned.
Specifies the type and extent of syntactic and semantic checking.
SEMANTICS is the same as FULL.
Can be entered inline or on the command line.
See Also:
Appendix , "What Is Syntactic and Semantic Checking?" for complete details. |
Specifies the location of system header files.
SYS_INCLUDE=pathname | (path1, ..., pathn)
Pro*C/C++ searches for standard system header files, such as stdio.h
, in standard locations that are platform specific. For example, on almost all UNIX systems, the file stdio.h
has the full path name /usr/include/stdio.h.
But C++ compilers can have system header files, such as stdio.h
, that are not in the standard system locations. You can use the SYS_INCLUDE command line option to specify a list of directory paths that Pro*C/C++ searches to look for system header files. For example:
The search path that you specify using SYS_INCLUDE overrides the default header location.
If PARSE=NONE, the value specified in SYS_INCLUDE is irrelevant for the precompilation, since there is no need for Pro*C/C++ to include system header files in the precompilation. (You must, of course, still include Oracle-specific headers, such as sqlca.h
. and system header files, with #include directives for pre-processing by the compiler.)
The precompiler searches directories in the following order:
Because of step 3, you normally do not need to specify a directory path for standard header files such as sqlca.h
and sqlda.h
When THREADS=YES, the precompiler searches for context declarations.
Cannot be entered inline.
This precompiler option is required for any program that requires multithreading support.
With THREADS=YES, the precompiler generates an error if no EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE directive is encountered before the first context is visible and an executable SQL statement is found.
This micro option specifies whether ANSI or Oracle datatype codes are used in dynamic SQL Method 4. Its setting is the same as the setting of MODE option.
Cannot be entered inline.
See the possible option settings in Table 14-3.
Specifying UNSAFE_NULL=YES prevents generation of ORA-01405 messages when fetching NULLs without using indicator variables.
Cannot be entered inline.
The UNSAFE_NULL=YES is allowed only when MODE=ORACLE.
The UNSAFE_NULL option has no effect on host variables in an embedded PL/SQL block. You must use indicator variables to avoid ORA-01405 errors.
Specifies an Oracle username and password.
Can be entered only on the command line.
Do not specify this option when using the automatic connect feature, which accepts your Oracle username prefixed with CLUSTER$. The actual value of the "CLUSTER$" string is set as a parameter in the INIT.ORA file.
When SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS, if you want the precompiler to get needed information by connecting to Oracle and accessing the data dictionary, you must also specify USERID.
Specify the character set form used by UNICODE(UTF16) variables.
Can be used only on the command line or in a configuration file, but not inline.
If UTF16_CHARSET=NCHAR_CHARSET (the default), the UNICODE(UTF16) bind / define buffer is converted according to the server side National Character Set. There may be a performance impact when the target column is CHAR.
If UTF16_CHAR=DB_CHARSET, the UNICODE(UTF16) bind / define buffer is converted according to the database character set.
Instructs the Pro*C/C++ precompiler to interpret some structs as VARCHAR host variables.
Can be entered only on the command line.
When VARCHAR=YES, a C struct that you code as
struct { short len; char arr[n]; } name;
is interpreted by the precompiler as a VARCHAR[n] host variable.
VARCHAR can be used in conjunction with the NLS_CHAR option to designate a multibyte character variable.
Determines which version of the object will be returned by the EXEC SQL OBJECT DEREF statement.
Can be entered inline by use of the EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement.
RECENT means that if the object has been selected into the object cache in the current transaction, then that object is returned. For transactions running in serializable mode, this option has the same effect as LATEST without incurring as many network round trips. Most applications should use RECENT.
LATEST means that if the object does not reside in the object cache, it is retrieved from the database. If It does reside in the object cache, it is refreshed from the server. Use LATEST with caution because it incurs the greatest number of network round trips. Use LATEST only when it is imperative that the object cache is kept as coherent as possible with the server buffer cache
ANY means that if the object already resides in the object cache, return that object. If not, retrieve the object from the server. ANY incurs the fewest network round trips. Use in applications that access read-only objects or when a user will have exclusive access to the objects.
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