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Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96612-01
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Summary of DBMS_RULE_ADM Subprograms

Table 64-1 DBMS_RULE_ADM Subprograms
Subprogram Description

"ADD_RULE Procedure"

Adds the specified rule to the specified rule set

"ALTER_RULE Procedure"

Changes one or more aspects of the specified rule


Creates a rule evaluation context

"CREATE_RULE Procedure"

Creates a rule with the specified name


Creates a rule set with the specified name


Drops the rule evaluation context with the specified name

"DROP_RULE Procedure"

Drops the rule with the specified name

"DROP_RULE_SET Procedure"

Drops the rule set with the specified name


Grants the specified object privilege on the specified object to the specified user or role


Grants the specified system privilege to the specified user or role

"REMOVE_RULE Procedure"

Removes the specified rule from the specified rule set


Revokes the specified object privilege on the specified object from the specified user or role


Revokes the specified system privilege from the specified user or role


All procedures commit unless specified otherwise.

ADD_RULE Procedure

Adds the specified rule to the specified rule set.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:

Also, the rule set owner must meet at least one of the following requirements:

If the rule has no evaluation context and no evaluation context is specified when you run this procedure, then rule uses the evaluation context associated with the rule set. In such a case, the rule owner must have the necessary privileges on all the base objects accessed by the rule using the evaluation context.

If an evaluation context is specified, then the rule set owner must meet at least one of the following requirements:

If the evaluation context owner is different than the rule owner, then the rule owner must have the necessary privileges on all the base objects accessed by the rule using the evaluation context.


   rule_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
   rule_set_name       IN  VARCHAR2,
   evaluation_context  IN  VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL,
   rule_comment        IN  VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL);


Table 64-2 ADD_RULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the rule you are adding to the rule set, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. For example, to add a rule named all_a in the hr schema, enter hr.all_a for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the rule set to which you are adding the rule, specified as [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to add the rule to a rule set named apply_rules in the hr schema, enter hr.apply_rules for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


An evaluation context name in the form [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

Only specify an evaluation context if the rule itself does not have an evaluation context and you do not want to use the rule set's evaluation context for the rule.


Optional description, which may contain the reason for adding the rule to the rule set

ALTER_RULE Procedure

Changes one or more aspects of the specified rule.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:

If an evaluation context is specified, then the rule owner must meet at least one of the following requirements:

If the evaluation context owner is different than the rule owner, then the rule owner must have the necessary privileges on all the base objects accessed by the rule using the evaluation context.

See Also:

Chapter 109, "Rule Types" for more information about the types used with the DBMS_RULE_ADM package


   rule_name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
   condition                  IN  VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   evaluation_context         IN  VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   remove_evaluation_context  IN  BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   action_context             IN  SYS.RE$NV_LIST  DEFAULT NULL,
   remove_action_context      IN  BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   rule_comment               IN  VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   remove_rule_comment        IN  BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE); 


Table 64-3 ALTER_RULE Procedure Parameters (Page 1 of 2)
Parameter Description


The name of the rule you are altering, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. For example, to alter a rule named all_a in the hr schema, enter hr.all_a for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The Boolean condition to be associated with the rule.

If non-NULL, then the rule's condition is changed.


An evaluation context name in the form [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If non-NULL, then the rule's evaluation context is changed.


If true, then sets the evaluation context for the rule to NULL, which effectively removes the evaluation context from the rule.

If false, then retains any evaluation context for the specified rule.

If the evaluation_context parameter is non-NULL, then this parameter should be set to false.


If non-NULL, then changes the action context associated with the rule. A rule action context is information associated with a rule that is interpreted by the client of the rules engine when the rule is evaluated.


If true, then sets the action context for the rule to NULL, which effectively removes the action context from the rule.

If false, then retains any action context for the specified rule.

If the action_context parameter is non-NULL, then this parameter should be set to false.


If non-NULL, then changes the description of the rule


If true, then sets the comment for the rule to NULL, which effectively removes the comment from the rule.

If false, then retains any comment for the specified rule.

If the rule_comment parameter is non-NULL, then this parameter should be set to false.


Creates a rule evaluation context. A rule evaluation context defines external data that can be referenced in rule conditions. The external data can either exist as variables or as table data.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:


  evaluation_context_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
  table_aliases                IN  SYS.RE$TABLE_ALIAS_LIST    DEFAULT NULL,
  variable_types               IN  SYS.RE$VARIABLE_TYPE_LIST  DEFAULT NULL,
  evaluation_function          IN  VARCHAR2                   DEFAULT NULL,
  evaluation_context_comment   IN  VARCHAR2                   DEFAULT NULL);


Table 64-4 CREATE_EVALUATION_CONTEXT Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the evaluation context you are creating, specified as [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name.

For example, to create an evaluation context named dept_eval_context in the hr schema, enter hr.dept_eval_context for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


Table aliases that specify the tables in an evaluation context. The table aliases can be used to reference tables in rule conditions.


A list of variables containing the explicit and implicit variables for the evaluation context


An optional function that will be called to evaluate rules using the evaluation context. It must have the same form as the DBMS_RULE.EVALUATE procedure. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

See "Usage Notes" for more information about the evaluation function.


An optional description of the rule evaluation context.

Usage Notes

The evaluation function must have the following signature:

FUNCTION evaluation_function_name(
  rule_set_name       IN   VARCHAR2,
  evaluation_context  IN   VARCHAR2,
  event_context       IN   SYS.RE$NV_LIST               DEFAULT NULL,
  table_values        IN   SYS.RE$TABLE_VALUE_LIST      DEFAULT NULL,
  column_values       IN   SYS.RE$COLUMN_VALUE_LIST     DEFAULT NULL,
  stop_on_first_hit   IN   BOOLEAN                      DEFAULT FALSE,
  simple_rules_only   IN   BOOLEAN                      DEFAULT FALSE,
  true_rules          OUT  SYS.RE$RULE_HIT_LIST,
  maybe_rules         OUT  SYS.RE$RULE_HIT_LIST);


Each parameter is required and must have the specified datatype. However, you can change the names of the parameters.

The return value of the function must be one of the following:


Creates a rule.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:

If an evaluation context is specified, then the rule owner must meet at least one of the following requirements:

If the evaluation context owner is different than the rule owner, then the rule owner must have the necessary privileges on all the base objects accessed by the rule using the evaluation context.

See Also:

Chapter 109, "Rule Types" for more information about the types used with the DBMS_RULE_ADM package


   rule_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
   condition           IN  VARCHAR2,
   evaluation_context  IN  VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   action_context      IN  SYS.RE$NV_LIST  DEFAULT NULL,
   rule_comment        IN  VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL);


Table 64-5 CREATE_RULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the rule you are creating, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. For example, to create a rule named all_a in the hr schema, enter hr.all_a for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The Boolean condition to be associated with the rule. A Boolean condition evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and can be any condition allowed in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. For example, the following is a valid rule condition:

department_id = 30

Note: Do not include the word "WHERE" in the condition.


An optional evaluation context name in the form [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name, which is associated with the rule. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If evaluation_context is not specified, then the rule inherits the evaluation context from its rule set.


The action context associated with the rule. A rule action context is information associated with a rule that is interpreted by the client of the rules engine when the rule is evaluated.


An optional description of the rule


Creates a rule set.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:

If an evaluation context is specified, then the rule set owner must meet at least one of the following requirements:


   rule_set_name       IN  VARCHAR2,
   evaluation_context  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   rule_set_comment    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);


Table 64-6 CREATE_RULE_SET Procedure Parameters 
Parameter Description


The name of the rule set you are creating, specified as [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to create a rule set named apply_rules in the hr schema, enter hr.apply_rules for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


An optional evaluation context name in the form [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name, which applies to all rules in the rule set that are not associated with an evaluation context explicitly. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


An optional description of the rule set


Drops a rule evaluation context.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:


   evaluation_context_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   force                    IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false);


Table 64-7 DROP_EVALUATION_CONTEXT Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the evaluation context you are dropping, specified as [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name.

For example, to drop an evaluation context named dept_eval_context in the hr schema, enter hr.dept_eval_context for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


If true, then removes the rule evaluation context from all rules and rule sets that use it.

If false and no rules or rule sets use the rule evaluation context, then drops the rule evaluation context.

If false and one or more rules or rule sets use the rule evaluation context, then raises an exception.

Caution: Setting force to true can result in rules and rule sets that do not have an evaluation context. If neither a rule nor the rule set it is in has an evaluation context, and no evaluation context was specified for the rule by the ADD_RULE procedure, then the rule cannot be evaluated.

DROP_RULE Procedure

Drops a rule.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:


   rule_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   force      IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false);


Table 64-8 DROP_RULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the rule you are dropping, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. For example, to drop a rule named all_a in the hr schema, enter hr.all_a for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


If TRUE, then removes the rule from all rule sets that contain it.

If FALSE and no rule sets contain the rule, then drops the rule.

If FALSE and one or more rule sets contain the rule, then raises an exception.


Drops a rule set.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:


   rule_set_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
   delete_rules     IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false);


Table 64-9 DROP_RULE_SET Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the rule set you are dropping, specified as [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to drop a rule set named apply_rules in the hr schema, enter hr.apply_rules for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


If TRUE, then also drops any rules that are in the rule set. If any of the rules in the rule set are also in another rule set, then these rules are not dropped.

If FALSE, then the rules in the rule set are retained.


Grants the specified object privilege on the specified object to the specified user or role. If a user owns the object, then the user automatically is granted all privileges on the object, with grant option.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:

In addition, if the object is a rule set, then the user must have EXECUTE privilege on all the rules in the rule set with grant option or must own the rules in the rule set.


   privilege     IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
   object_name   IN  VARCHAR2,
   grantee       IN  VARCHAR2,
   grant_option  IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false);


Table 64-10 GRANT_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters 
Parameter Description


The name of the object privilege to grant to the grantee on the object. See "Usage Notes" for the available object privileges.


The name of the object for which you are granting the privilege to the grantee, specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, to grant the privilege on a rule set named apply_rules in the hr schema, enter hr.apply_rules for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default. The object must be an existing rule, rule set, or evaluation context.


The name of the user or role for which the privilege is granted. The specified user cannot be the owner of the object.


If true, then the specified user or users granted the specified privilege can grant this privilege to others.

If false, then the specified user or users granted the specified privilege cannot grant this privilege to others.

Usage Notes

Table 64-11 lists the object privileges.

Table 64-11 Object Privileges for Evaluation Contexts, Rules, and Rule Sets
Privilege Description


Alter and execute a particular evaluation context in another user's schema


Alter and execute a particular rule in another user's schema


Alter and execute a particular rule set in another user's schema


Alter a particular evaluation context in another user's schema


Alter a particular rule in another user's schema


Alter a particular rule set in another user's schema


Execute a particular evaluation context in another user's schema


Execute a particular rule in another user's schema


Execute a particular rule set in another user's schema

For example, to grant the hr user the privilege to alter a rule named hr_dml in the strmadmin schema, enter the following:

    privilege    => SYS.DBMS_RULE_ADM.ALTER_ON_RULE,
    object_name  => 'strmadmin.hr_dml',
    grantee      => 'hr', 
    grant_option => false);


Grants the specified system privilege to the specified user or role.


   privilege     IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
   grantee       IN  VARCHAR2,
   grant_option  IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false);


Table 64-12 GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the system privilege to grant to the grantee. See "Usage Notes" for the available system privileges.


The name of the user or role for which the privilege is granted


If true, then the specified user or users granted the specified privilege can grant the system privilege to others.

If false, then the specified user or users granted the specified privilege cannot grant the system privilege to others.

Usage Notes

Table 64-13 lists the system privileges.

Table 64-13 System Privileges for Evaluation Contexts, Rules, and Rule Sets
Privilege Description


Alter any evaluation context owned by any user


Alter any rule owned by any user


Alter any rule set owned by any user


Create a new evaluation context in any schema


Create a new evaluation context in the grantee's schema


Create a new rule in any schema


Create a new rule in the grantee's schema


Create a new rule set in any schema


Create a new rule set in the grantee's schema


Drop any evaluation context in any schema


Drop any rule in any schema


Drop any rule set in any schema


Execute any evaluation context owned by any user


Execute any rule owned by any user


Execute any rule set owned by any user

For example, to grant the strmadmin user the privilege to create a rule set in any schema, enter the following:

    grantee      => 'strmadmin', 
    grant_option => false);


When you grant a privilege on "ANY" object (for example, ALTER_ANY_RULE), and the initialization parameter O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is set to FALSE, you give the user access to that type of object in all schemas, except the SYS schema. By default, the initialization parameter O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is set to FALSE.

If you want to grant access to an object in the SYS schema, then you can grant object privileges explicitly on the object. Alternatively, you can set the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY initialization parameter to TRUE. Then privileges granted on "ANY" object will allow access to any schema, including SYS.


Removes the specified rule from the specified rule set.

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:


   rule_name               IN VARCHAR2,
   rule_set_name           IN VARCHAR2,
   evaluation_context      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   all_evaluation_contexts IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false);


Table 64-14 REMOVE_RULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the rule you are removing from the rule set, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. For example, to remove a rule named all_a in the hr schema, enter hr.all_a for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the rule set from which you are removing the rule, specified as [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to remove the rule from a rule set named apply_rules in the hr schema, enter hr.apply_rules for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the evaluation context associated with the rule you are removing, specified as [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name. For example, to specify an evaluation context named dept_eval_context in the hr schema, enter hr.dept_eval_context for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If an evaluation context was specified for the rule you are removing when you added the rule to the rule set using the ADD_RULE procedure, then specify the same evaluation context. If you added the same rule more than once with different evaluation contexts, then specify the rule with the evaluation context you want to remove. If you specify an evaluation context that is not associated with the rule, then an error is raised.

Specify NULL if you did not specify an evaluation context when you added the rule to the rule set. If you specify NULL and there are one or more evaluation contexts associated with the rule, then an error is raised.


If true, then the rule is removed from the rule set with all of its associated evaluation contexts.

If false, then only the rule with the specified evaluation context is removed.

This parameter is relevant only if the same rule is added more than once to the rule set with different evaluation contexts.


Revokes the specified object privilege on the specified object from the specified user or role.


   privilege     IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
   object_name   IN  VARCHAR2,
   revokee       IN  VARCHAR2);


Table 64-15 REVOKE_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the object privilege on the object to revoke from the revokee. See "GRANT_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Procedure" for a list of the object privileges.


The name of the object for which you are revoking the privilege from the revokee, specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, to revoke an object privilege on a rule set named apply_rules in the hr schema, enter hr.apply_rules for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default. The object must be an existing rule, rule set, or evaluation context.


The name of the user or role from which the privilege is revoked. The user who owns the object cannot be specified.


Revokes the specified system privilege from the specified user or role.


   privilege  IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
   revokee    IN  VARCHAR2);


Table 64-16 REVOKEE_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters
Parameter Description


The name of the system privilege to revoke from the revokee. See "GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Procedure" for a list of the system privileges.


The name of the user or role from which the privilege is revoked

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