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7.1.2 ACL Inheritance

The purpose of using ACL inheritance is for a newly created file or directory to inherit the ACLs they are intended to inherit, but without disregarding the existing permission bits on the parent directory.

By default, ACLs are not propagated. If you set an explicit ACL on a directory it is not inherited to any subsequent directory. You have to specify the inheritance of an ACL on a file or directory.

The optional inheritance flags are described in the following table.

Table 7-3 ACL Inheritance Flags

Inheritance Flag



Inherit the ACL from the parent directory to the directory's files only.


Inherit the ACL from the parent directory to the directory's subdirectories only.


Inherit the ACL from the parent directory but only applies to newly created files or subdirectories and not the directory itself. This flag requires either the file_inherit and/or dir_inherit flags to indicate what to inherit.


Inherit the ACL from the parent directory to the first-level contents of the directory only, not the second-level or subsequent contents. This flag requires either the file_inherit and/or dir_inherit flags to indicate what to inherit.

In addition, you can set a default ACL inheritance policy on the file system that is strict or less strict by using the aclinherit file system property. For more information, see the next section.

7.1.3 ACL Property Modes

The ZFS file system includes two properties related to ACLs:

  • aclinherit - This property determines the behavior of ACL inheritance. Values include the following:

    • discard - For new objects, no ACL entries are inherited when a file or directory is created. The ACL on the file or directory will be equal to the permission mode of the file or directory.

    • noallow - For new objects, only inheritable ACL entries that have an access type of deny are inherited.

    • secure - For new objects, the write_owner and write_acl permissions are removed when an ACL entry is inherited.

    • passthrough - For new objects, the inheritable ACL entries are inherited with no changes made to the them. This mode, in effect, disables secure mode.

    The default mode is secure.

  • aclmode - This property modifies ACL behavior whenever a file or directory's mode is modified by the chmod command or when a file is initially created. Values include the following:

    • discard - All ACL entries are removed except for those needed to define the mode of the file or directory.

    • groupmask - User or group ACL permissions are reduced so that they are no greater than the group permission bits unless it is a user entry that has the same UID as the owner of the file or directory. Then, the ACL permissions are reduced so that they are no greater than owner permission bits.

    • passthrough - For new objects, the inheritable ACL entries are inherited with no changes made to the them.

    The default mode is groupmask.

7.2 Using ACLs on ZFS Files

As implemented with ZFS, ACLs are composed of an array of ACL entries. ZFS provides a pure ACL model, where all files have an ACL. Typically, the ACL is trivial in that it only represents the traditional UNIX owner/group/other entries.

ZFS files still have permission bits and a mode, but they are more of a cache of what the ACL represents. This means that if you change the permissions of the file, the file's ACL is updated accordingly. In addition, if you remove an explicit ACL that granted a user access to a file or directory, that user could still have access to the file or directory because of the file or directory's permission bits granting access to group or everyone. All access control decisions are governed by the permissions represented in a file or directory's ACL.

The primary rules of ACL access on a ZFS file are as follows:

  • Each ACL entry is processed in order by ZFS.

  • Only ACL entries that have a "who" that matches the requester of the access are processed.

  • Each ACL entry is processed until all the bits of the access request have been allowed.

  • Once an allow permission has been granted, it cannot be denied by a subsequent ACL deny entry in the same ACL permission set.

  • The owner of the file is granted the write_acl permission unconditionally even if it is explicitly denied. Otherwise, any permission left unspecified is denied.

    In the cases of deny permissions or when an access permission is missing, the privilege subsystem determines what access request is granted for the owner of the file or for superuser. This mechanism prevents owners of files from getting locked out of their files and enables superuser to modify files for recovery purposes.

If you set an explicit ACL on a directory, the ACL is not automatically inherited to the directory's children. If you set an explicit ACL and you want it inherited to the directory's children, you have to use the ACL inheritance flags. For more information, see Table 7-3 and 7.3.1 Setting ACL Inheritance on ZFS Files.

When a new file is created and depending on the umask value, a default trivial ACL is applied, which is similar to the following:

% ls -v file.1
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        2703 Nov  4 12:37 file.1

Note that in the above example, each user category (owner@, group@, everyone@) has two ACL entries, which is one entry for deny permissions and one entry is for access permissions.

A description of this file ACL is as follows:


Owner is denied execute permissions to the file (execute:deny).


Owner can read and modify the contents of the file (read_data/write_data/append_data) and modify the file's attributes such as time stamps, extended attributes, and ACLs (write_xattr/write_attributes /write_acl). In addition, the owner is granted the ability to modify the ownership of the file (write_owner:allow)


Group is denied modify and execute permissions to the file (write_data/append_data/execute:deny).


Group is granted read permissions to the file (read_data:allow).


Everyone who is not user or group is denied permission to execute or modify the contents of the file and to modify any attributes of the file (write_data/append_data/write_xattr/execute/write_attributes/write_acl/write_owner:deny).


Everyone who is not user or group is granted read permissions to the file and the file's attributes (read_data/read_xattr/read_attributes/read_acl/synchronize:allow). The synchronize access permission is not currently implemented.

When a new directory is created and depending on the umask value, a default directory ACL is similar to the following:

$ ls -dv dir.1
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root           2 Nov  1 14:51 dir.1

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