
Use this variable to specify the number of seconds that an ALOM shell session can be idle before an automatic logout occurs. You can specify values from 0 to 10,000 seconds. If you specify a value between 1 and 59 seconds, the variable will automatically be set to the minimum value of 60 seconds. The default value is 0 seconds (no idle time). If you specify a value that has more than five digits in it, the timeout will be set to 0.

Note: If the ALOM session is in console mode, automatic logout will not occur, even when this variable is set.

For example, to set the automatic logout interval to 60 seconds, type the following command at the ALOM shell prompt:

sc> setsc sc_clitimeout 60

You can specify a value for the timeout using the setupsc command. The setupsc script prompts you to enter a value as follows:

Enter the SC CLI timeout in seconds (maximum of 10000s) [0]?

From the ALOM command shell:

Using the scadm utility:


About ALOM configuration variables

System user variables
