E10K: Powering on/off procedures

  1. Powering off individual domains
  2. Powering off the entire E10K
  3. Powering on individual domains
  4. Powering on the entire E10K

Powering off individual domains

  1. Connect to the correct domain
    1. Login to ssp as ssp and enter ${domain_name} at the Please enter SUNW_HOSTNAME: prompt.
    2. If already logged into the ssp, enter domain_switch ${domain_name} in a command window.
  2. ID proper domain boards by executing domain_status and noting the board numbers under the heading SYSBDS.
  3. ${SSP}:${Domain}% domain_status
    DOMAIN          TYPE                     PLATFORM       OS     SYSBDS
    domain1         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    4 5
    domain2         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    0 1
    domain3         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    3
    domain4         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    6 8
    domain5         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    9 10
  4. Bring the domain down.
    1. Open another command window, issue domain_switch if necessary.
    2. Execute netcon to start up the domain console.
    3. Log in as root.
    4. Execute sync;sync;sync;init 0
    5. Once the system is at the OK prompt, continue.
  5. In the first command window, enter power -off -sb ${brd_numbers[*]}. Board numbers are listed together with space separators.

Powering off the entire E10K

  1. Bring down all E10K domains:
    1. Open a command window.
    2. Issue domain_switch ${domain_name} to connect to the correct domain.
    3. Issue netcon to open the domain console.
    4. Log in as root.
    5. Execute sync;sync;sync;init 0
    6. Once the domain is at the OK prompt, exit the netconsole by issuing ~. (Press/hold tilde while pressing period).
    7. Iterate through the above until all domains are down.
  2. Open a command window on shamash and enter power -B -off -all. When the command completes, you will hear the power switches changing position in the E10K cabinet.

  4. Power off the SSP:
    1. su - root
    2. sync;sync;sync;init 0
    3. When the OK prompt appears, turn off the power to the ssp.

Powering on individual domains

  1. Open two command windows; issue domain_switch ${domain_name} as necessary.
  2. In one of the windows, ID the system boards by issuing domain_status and noting the board numbers under the heading SYSBDS.
  3. ${SSP}:${Domain}% domain_status
    DOMAIN          TYPE                     PLATFORM       OS     SYSBDS
    domain1         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    4 5
    domain2         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    0 1
    domain3         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    3
    domain4         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    6 8
    domain5         Ultra-Enterprise-10000   Plat_name      2.6    9 10
  4. Issue power -on -sb ${board_numbers[*]}. Board numbers are listed together with space separators.
  5. Issue bringup -A off -l7. NOTE: Space between the '-A' and 'off' and lower case L in the '-l7'.
  6. In the other window, issue netcon. Wait for the OK prompt to appear, then execute boot.
  7. Wait for the system to come up completely, then exit the netconsole by issuing ~. (Press/hold tilde while pressing period).

Powering on the entire E10K

  1. Power on the SSP; at the OK prompt, type boot
  2. Flip the power switches on the E10K.
  3. Log in as ssp
    1. Enter ${Plat_name} at the Please enter SUNW_HOSTNAME: prompt.
    2. Open a command window; execute power -on -all
    3. Open another command windows. foreach domain do:
      1. In one window, execute domain_switch ${domain_name}
      2. Execute bringup -A off -l7 NOTE: Space between the '-A' and 'off' and lower case L in the '-l7'.
      3. In the other command window, execute domain_switch ${domain_name} followed by netcon
      4. When the OK prompt appears, execute boot
  1. ONLY BRING UP ONE SYSTEM AT A TIME Otherwise, the boot process will take longer than it already does!