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4.7.5 Importing Pools

Once a pool has been identified for import, you can import it simply by specifying the name of the pool or its numeric identifier as an argument to the zpool import command:

# zpool import tank

If you have multiple available pools with the same name, you can specify which one to import using the numeric identifier:

# zpool import
  pool: dozer
    id: 2704475622193776801
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

        dozer       ONLINE
          c1t9d0s0  ONLINE

  pool: dozer
    id: 6223921996155991199
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

        dozer       ONLINE
          c1t8d0s0  ONLINE
# zpool import dozer
cannot import 'dozer': more than one matching pool
import by numeric ID instead
# zpool import 6223921996155991199

If the name conflicts with an existing pool, you can import it under a different name:

# zpool import dozer construct

This command imports the exported pool dozer using the new name construct. If the pool was not cleanly exported, ZFS requires the -f flag to prevent users from accidentally importing a pool that is still in use on another system:

# zpool import dozer
cannot import 'dozer': pool may be in use on another system
use '-f' to import anyway
# zpool import -f dozer

Pools can also be imported under an alternate root using the -R flag. For more information on alternate root pools, see 8.3 ZFS Alternate Root Pools.

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